Skillshare vs Youtube: Read this before deciding which is better for learning (2024)

Setting out to find the ideal online learning platform is a journey unique to each explorer. Will it be Skillshare’s community-driven classrooms or YouTube’s boundless library that becomes your go-to for growth and learning?

When we look at Skillshare, we’re entering the world of a curated learning experience designed for those who prefer a classroom-like environment online. Skillshare offers a variety of courses, typically ranging from creative arts to business strategy and technology. Its model is based on a subscription that unlocks access to an entire library of classes taught by experienced professionals and experts. The platform also emphasizes the completion of a project as part of the learning process, encouraging learners to apply their new skills in a practical context.

Turning to YouTube, it’s a platform that needs little introduction, being the world’s largest video-sharing website. It’s a vast ocean of content where you can learn almost anything, from fixing a leaky faucet to understanding quantum physics. YouTube is free and incredibly diverse, with content created by users around the world. This variety means that while you can find tutorials on just about any topic, the quality and depth can vary widely. Unlike Skillshare, YouTube doesn’t offer a structured course format but provides the freedom to explore an expansive array of topics at your own pace.

Both platforms are valuable in the domain of online learning, but they serve different preferences and learning objectives. Skillshare aligns with those seeking a more traditional course experience, whereas YouTube suits self-directed learners who value variety and self-exploration.

Table of Contents

  • Comparing Value: Skillshare and YouTube
  • Diving into Learning Content
  • Navigating the Platforms
  • User Experience
  • Exploring Alternatives
  • Community Insights
  • Deciding Factors
  • Verdict: Skillshare or YouTube
Skillshare vs Youtube: Read this before deciding which is better for learning (1)

Let’s look at Skillshare & YouTube’s subscription models, accessibility, and the cost-to-value ratio they offer to learners.

Skillshare operates on a premium model that provides access to its entire course catalogue for a subscription fee. With two main pricing structures:

  • $32 Monthly Subscription: Ideal for those who prefer short-term commitments or wish to test the waters before diving in fully.
  • $168 Annual Subscription: This option is cost-effective for long-term learners. It reduces the monthly expense significantly, offering a sensible choice for dedicated users.

Each tier grants unlimited access to Skillshare’s extensive library, which features a range of courses across various creative and business fields.

YouTube Access and Monetization

Contrastingly, YouTube’s platform is fundamentally free, allowing unlimited access to a diverse array of content. For those seeking an ad-free experience or access to exclusive content, YouTube Premium is available.

For YouTube Premium, the pricing is structured as follows: after a 1-month free trial, users can opt for a monthly subscription at €12.99. There are also tailored plans such as a Family option at €23.99 per month and a Student subscription at €7.99 per month, post-trial, with both offering additional savings and benefits:

  • Ad-Free Viewing: Enhances user experience by eliminating interruptions.
  • Exclusive Content: Includes YouTube originals and premium-only videos.

YouTube also allows for direct creator support through channel memberships, offering a way for users to engage with and support their favorite content creators financially.

Evaluating Cost vs. Value

When evaluating the cost versus value for Skillshare and YouTube, it’s essential to weigh what you get in return for your investment. Skillshare’s subscription fee unlocks a curated world of learning with professional and peer-reviewed courses, ideal for those seeking to build or enhance their skills in a structured way. This could be valuable for learners who appreciate a cohesive curriculum and the opportunity to produce portfolio-worthy projects.

YouTube, while free, offers the chance to learn from a diverse range of content. The value here is in the vast selection and the freedom to explore various topics. The premium features enhance this experience by removing ads and providing exclusive content, making it worthwhile for users who spend a significant amount of time on the platform and prefer a wide breadth of learning materials. The return on investment with YouTube comes in the form of flexibility and access to a wide community of knowledge-sharers.

Try Skillshare

Diving into Learning Content

Let’s take a more expansive look at the educational content on Skillshare and YouTube, going beyond the surface to understand the richness and depth each platform brings to the world of online learning.

  • Course Design: Skillshare’s classes are meticulously structured, fostering a comprehensive learning experience that guides students from introductory concepts to advanced applications.
  • Project-Centric Learning: What sets Skillshare apart is its project-based approach, compelling learners to apply their newly acquired knowledge in tangible, real-world scenarios.

YouTube’s Vast Library

  • Wide-Ranging Content: YouTube offers an unparalleled variety of learning material, from quick how-tos to in-depth tutorials, catering to an array of learning needs and styles.
  • Accessibility and Diversity: With its open platform, YouTube enables anyone to share knowledge, leading to a rich tapestry of content that covers an extensive range of topics.

Expertise and Pedagogy

  • Skillshare’s Professionals: Skillshare’s educators bring credentials and experience to their courses, offering insights grounded in industry practice.
  • YouTube’s Global Classroom: On YouTube, educators and enthusiasts from around the globe share their expertise, providing a global perspective on learning.

Specialization and Generalization

  • Skillshare’s Niche Focus: Skillshare shines in offering content for niche audiences, with courses crafted to cater to specialized interests.
  • YouTube’s Kaleidoscopic Coverage: YouTube’s strength is in its breadth, covering everything from niche hobbies to academic subjects, often in a more informal setting.

Both platforms offer unique educational experiences, with Skillshare focusing on a structured learning path enriched by hands-on projects, and YouTube providing a broad canvas for self-directed exploration across a multitude of subjects.

Navigating the Platforms

When setting out to navigate the online learning landscapes of Skillshare and YouTube, you will be met with distinct approaches that cater to varied educational pursuits. Skillshare has carved a niche in offering a more traditional, classroom-like environment, while YouTube provides a vast expanse of knowledge across virtually any subject imaginable. Both platforms come with their own set of tools and community features that shape unique learning experiences. This section will guide you through each platform’s offerings, helping you chart your course in the digital sea of information.

Skillshare’s learning environment is crafted to provide an immersive and user-friendly experience. It extends beyond just the accessibility of courses; it’s designed to foster educational growth. With progress tracking features, learners can visually monitor their advancements, enhancing motivation. The platform’s interactive projects are not only about applying new skills but also about real-world practice, making the learning process both dynamic and practical. Moreover, Skillshare’s community spaces offer vibrant forums for discussion, allowing students to exchange feedback, making learning a collaborative and engaging process. This combination of structured learning and community interaction creates a nurturing environment that supports both skill development and the creation of a network of peers and mentors.

YouTube Viewing Experience

The YouTube viewing experience is designed for discovery and personalized learning. Its interface, a familiar gateway for many, opens up an extensive library where the paths to knowledge are as varied as the viewers themselves. The platform encourages exploration through its recommendation algorithm, which brings a range of educational content to the learner’s doorstep. This exploratory model can be thrilling as it often leads to serendipitous finds, from niche tutorials to comprehensive lectures, broadening one’s horizons beyond what was initially sought. The sheer volume of content available ensures that for every query, there’s a multitude of perspectives, allowing learners to dive as deep as they wish into any given subject.

Both platforms offer a range of tools to enhance the learning experience, whether through Skillshare’s curated class lists and workshop features or YouTube’s algorithmic suggestions and expansive content categories.

Skillshare vs Youtube: Read this before deciding which is better for learning (2)

User Experience

Navigating Skillshare feels personal and intuitive. The platform’s design is modern and clean, emphasizing a seamless learning experience. It starts with a welcoming onboarding process, where Skillshare suggests courses based on your interests. As you scroll through the home page, you’ll find well-organized sections like “Staff Picks” and “Trending,” which feel like carefully crafted shelves in a bookstore, each inviting you to explore.

One of the hallmarks of the Skillshare experience is the project-based approach. Every course encourages you to create something—a tangible output that you can share within the course community. This interactive element is complemented by the platform’s responsive discussion forums where instructors and learners actively exchange ideas and feedback. It’s these community features that bring a workshop-like feel to the digital space.

Skillshare also offers a mobile app, which means your classes are as mobile as you are. You can download lessons to watch offline, perfect for learning on the go, whether you’re commuting or waiting in line.

Udemy User Experience

Udemy’s platform caters to a diverse, global audience with varying needs and goals. The user interface is designed to handle this diversity with ease. You can customize your learning experience by adjusting playback speed, setting bookmarks, and taking notes—all features aimed at enhancing your learning.

The course landing pages on Udemy provide detailed information, including course outlines, instructor qualifications, user ratings, and reviews. This transparency helps you feel confident about your choices. Plus, the ability to preview courses means you can get a feel for the instructor’s style and the course content before making a purchase.

Udemy also stands out with its course update feature. Instructors can update their content to keep it current, and you’ll have access to these updates, ensuring you’re always learning the latest in your field.

Both Skillshare and Udemy offer user experiences tailored to their audiences. Skillshare fosters a close-knit community vibe that encourages collaboration and hands-on learning. In contrast, Udemy provides a vast, well-structured library of knowledge with tools designed to tailor individual learning paths. The choice between them can often come down to personal preference: do you value a community-centric experience or a self-directed, comprehensive course selection?

Exploring Alternatives

When venturing beyond Skillshare and YouTube, the digital landscape offers a variety of learning platforms, each with distinctive features that cater to different educational needs. Let’s explore these alternatives, highlighting what each excels in, to better inform your choice.

  • Udemy: A versatile platform offering a wide array of courses on anything from personal development to technical skills, perfect for those who enjoy a pick-and-choose approach to learning.
  • Coursera: Best suited for those seeking a more traditional educational structure, offering accredited courses in partnership with universities.
  • edX: Similar to Coursera, edX offers courses from prestigious institutions, with a focus on professional development and academic disciplines.
  • Domestika: For creatives, Domestika offers courses crafted by industry experts, blending creative skills with professional insights.
  • MasterClass: MasterClass is ideal for those looking to learn from the very best in various fields, with cinematic quality content.
  • LinkedIn Learning: Offers professional courses tied closely to career advancement and networking opportunities.
  • Treehouse: A tech-focused platform perfect for learners aiming to build skills in web design and coding through interactive, project-based learning.
  • Codecademy: A go-to for those starting out in coding, offering a hands-on approach to learning programming languages and tech skills.

In your quest for knowledge and skill, each platform shines its light on different aspects of learning. While Skillshare and YouTube cater to a broad audience with their unique approaches, these alternatives present opportunities that range from structured academic learning to casual exploration of hobbies. The choice of platform will significantly depend on what you wish to achieve, how you prefer to learn, and whether you desire a community of learners or self-paced study. Ultimately, aligning your choice with your personal learning goals, preferences, and the subjects that intrigue you will guide you to the right platform.

Community Insights

Exploring the dynamic online communities of Skillshare and YouTube, we see distinct patterns of member interaction and audience engagement that enrich the learning experience on each platform.

Skillshare’s community collaboration is central to its learning philosophy, emphasizing the collective growth that comes from shared educational experiences. The platform’s design actively promotes engagement, with project-based classes that encourage peer-to-peer interaction and feedback. This model not only facilitates the exchange of ideas and constructive critiques but also fosters a sense of belonging among members, creating a digital classroom atmosphere. As learners post projects and participate in workshops, they build a network of connections with fellow enthusiasts and professionals, enriching their learning journey.

YouTube’s Diverse Audience Engagement

YouTube’s platform, on the other hand, offers a different kind of community interaction. Viewers shape the landscape of learning by engaging directly with creators, sparking conversations that transcend geographical boundaries. These interactions, often filled with personal insights, can transform a simple video into a collective educational experience. The platform’s comment sections are not just spaces for feedback but forums where knowledge, opinion, and expertise mix to offer multifaceted perspectives on any given topic. This global discourse is a testament to the platform’s ability to connect people and ideas, making learning on YouTube a unique journey each time.

Both Skillshare and YouTube offer distinct community experiences, with Skillshare emphasizing structured learning communities and YouTube celebrating open, expansive interactions. The best platform for you will depend on the type of community engagement you find most enriching and supportive for your learning.

Deciding Factors

Choosing between Skillshare and YouTube for learning is a decision that hinges on your preferences for structure, community, and content depth. Each platform offers a unique approach to learning and personal development. Here, we outline key factors to consider, helping you decide where to invest your time and perhaps your money, to align with your learning ambitions and lifestyle.

  • Curated Course Collection: Skillshare stands out with its carefully selected content, designed to take you from a beginner to proficient in a specific skill area.
  • Mentorship Opportunities: Direct access to instructors for guidance makes Skillshare a go-to for those who value mentorship.
  • Creative Community Projects: With an emphasis on project-based learning, Skillshare helps solidify your new skills through practical application.
  • User-Centric Course Design: Courses on Skillshare are structured with the learner in mind, providing comprehensive learning experiences.
  • Networking with Like-Minded Learners: Skillshare’s platform enables networking, which is ideal for learners looking to connect and grow within a community.
  • You’re looking for specialized courses with a clear start and end.
  • Interactive class assignments are crucial for your learning.
  • You value having access to skilled professionals as instructors.
  • A learning path created by experts appeals to you.
  • Community feedback and peer reviews are essential components of your educational experience.

YouTube: The Eclectic Knowledge Hub

  • Diverse Content Universe: YouTube’s strength lies in its vast range of content, spanning almost every conceivable subject area.
  • Self-Paced Exploration: The freedom to explore topics at your leisure makes YouTube perfect for the curious and independent learner.
  • Variety of Educational Channels: With channels dedicated to nearly every field, YouTube offers perspectives from educators around the world.
  • Mix of Learning and Entertainment: YouTube’s blend of educational content and entertainment can make learning more engaging and diverse.
  • Open Access Model: YouTube’s free!

So when to Opt for YouTube?

  • Diversity in content and learning styles is important to you.
  • You prefer learning at your own pace without a structured curriculum.
  • You’re looking for both educational content and entertainment.
  • Access to a vast range of viewpoints and teaching methods suits your learning preference.
  • You enjoy the flexibility of learning without a financial commitment.

In conclusion, selecting between Skillshare and YouTube is a decision that should be as thoughtful as it is strategic. While Skillshare offers a more traditional learning path with curated courses and expert guidance, YouTube throws open the doors to a vast world of information where learning is self-directed and varied. Your choice ultimately hinges on how you learn best, the types of skills you’re looking to acquire, and the kind of learning community you want to be a part of. Take the time to assess your needs and choose the platform that will best support your educational journey.

The final verdict between Skillshare and YouTube can extend beyond a simple preference. Skillshare, with its project-based curriculum, suits those who thrive in a structured environment designed to simulate real-world experience and professional growth. It’s the digital equivalent of a dedicated craft workshop where your skills are honed with each completed project.

On the flip side, YouTube is akin to a vast library with no bounds, a place where learning is as spontaneous as it is diverse. It’s for the explorers who draw lines between dots across disciplines, creating their learning constellations. With YouTube, your education is an open-ended journey, with free access to a universe of viewpoints, expertise, and knowledge.

When making a choice, consider not only your learning preferences but also the goals you aim to achieve. Are you seeking credentials and a portfolio, or are you on a quest for knowledge that might not be neatly categorized? Are you looking for a community that shares your learning objectives, or do you prefer a solo expedition where you chart your own course? Reflect on these aspects, and let your personal and professional ambitions guide you to the platform that will serve as the best vessel for your learning journey.

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Skillshare vs Youtube: Read this before deciding which is better for learning (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.