Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

SATURDAY, NOV. 23, 1940 MARION LEADER-TRIBUNE FIVE 15 MEN BURNED IN GAS BLAST Five in Serious Condition After Explosion in Dugger Mine Near Sullivan. Sullivan, Nov. 22 men were burned badly today and 10 others burned slightly when a gas pocket exploded in theDugger Domestic Coal mine six miles east of Sullivan. Sellers, Dugger, was in serious condition, while others' listed as burned badly were William Maughan, Lincoln Jones, and Nicholas Schad of Dugger and Herman Scott, All injured were brought to the Sullivan hospital for treatment.

Thomas--Lippeatt, superintendent and general manager of the company, said the explosion. occurred as shift of 25 men went back into the 200-foot deep shaft after a period of blasting. He said all the men were out of the mine during the blasting and had just re-entered the pit. A small pocket of gas, said, ignited as the men reached the bottom of the shaft. The explosion caused "little or no" damage, he said, although the mine will not get into operation again.

until approved by federal and state mining inspectors. Fowlerton Fowlerton, Nov. services are in progress at the Methodist Church. son, Holloway, was taken to the Joe, son of Miry and Mrs. ClarkMarion General Hospital, Tuesday for an emergency operation for appendicitis.

Tom King suffered a broken arm Tuesday while playing on a sliding board at the school here. School closed Wednesday for the Thanksgiving holidays. Mrs. Ernest Malott and son visited this week with relatives at Chicago. ACHING TIRED FEET on powerfully soothing, cooling Musterole.

stainless Musterole actually checks irritation, helps relteve painful soreness wonderful QUICK relief. Made in 3 strengths. NOW! ENDS SAT. NITE! INDIANA Tugboat Annie Sails Again MAN THE LAFFMARJORIE RAMBEAU HALE JANE RONALD REAGAN A GIANT LUNA of WEEKEND GIANT TEX RITTER in "Song of the Gringo" and "Marked Men" a BOYD HOPALONG Cassidy "FRONTIERSMEN" Plus MILLAND in "UNTAMED" In Technicolor LYRIC NOW! Wally Beery in "Wyoming" PLUS! "Fugitive From Justice" Sunday! 2 Hits! IRENE DUNNE CARY GRANT MY FAVORITE WIFE RANDOLPH SCOTT Plus! GAIL PATRICK SOUTH "PAGO With- JON HALL VICTOR 7McLAGLEN Walter Winchell On Broadway (Trade Mart How come the papers missed "Quiet. Please" show? She forgot a Nazi movie Wednesday, and when the audience cheered, extept Jane, reached over and socked her on the and she's now playing her role in Why haven't the gazettes being in Mayo Brothers' hosp The Is that Broadway "mob" buzz character "wearing a concrete suit" Are Joe 'Kennedy and banker friends dickering for the purchase of a chain of newspapers, with Kennedy as publisher? in Boston about wealthy society Why was that story, hushed up matron who tried kill herself in la magician's dressing room? Doesn't Il Duce think it is about time that he replace The Eagle with The Homing Pigeon? The Isn't BlitzGreek true indicates when Sir.

Dies reveals that Chicago. matron's name (as being pro-Nazi) it won't surprise delicatessen eaters? Wonder how true the talk is about a movement in Puerto Rico to have FDR appoint Mayor LaGuaria governor the Are the Duke of Kent's children living under the same roof with J. P. Morgan the name of Smith? So the rumor says. Who almost murdered that Nazipam pamphlet distributor at the corner of 85th Street and 2nd Avenue Monday night? His assumed last name is Fostocki, but his real handle is Weir.

And ain't it a shame, Mame? Wonder why the gov't fears exposing the activities of dictatordiplomats in the U.S.? Newspapermen and and mags. have for years. Add expert counsel by Elsie Janis, who oughta know: "Tell those kids starting in show business that a slap on the back or a sock on the chin are really the -same if your ROOSEVELT FAMILY AT SERVICES Hartford City President Roosevelt and his family stood with members of the choir after attending Thanksgiving services at the chapel at Hyde Park, N. Y. Left to right: Mrs.

Franklin D. Roosevelt; Roose- the President; Thomas Qualters, the President's aides; Mrs. Sara D. Roosevelt; Betsy Cashing velt, and her daughter, Sara Roosevelt, lis, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Lawrence tober, the report of Librarian Hartford City Pace. of this city, and Miss Kath- Elizabeth Denison indicated. Of Jane Thompson, Sullivan, were this number 2,815 children's were books. adult books Hartford City, Nov. 22.

married Thursday. The ceremony and 1,982 ryn Rev. Presbyterian Church delivered the WAR performed at the A. A. Amstutz, pastor of Tabernacle Extent to which Swedes have sermon at Union Thanksgiving Presbyterian.

Church at. Indianap- turned to bicycles because of gasservices Thursday morning at the olis by Rev. circulation S. W. Hartfelter.

oline shortage was shown by First Christian Church. The at the public count of 7,046 bicycles in half an Lawrence. Pace, Indianapo- brary was 4,797 volumes for Oc-1 hour at one intersection. I 10 2 LOVE CAST OF THIS AND TECHNICOLOR, TOOL. balance is good." Has the Army repaired the cable for the cable at the top of Diamond (Hawaii) 50 that when an alert is given the boys don't have to carry their phone equipment up 750 steps? It is one and a half times higher than the Washington Monument! Who is responsible for such cruelty? Does Ethel Merman (the bride of Hattie) know that the shower being tossed for her by the cast tonight is to present her with red flannel underwear to keep her warm until her groom returns? Who cares whether or not Rene Paramount presents de Chambrun has been summoned (which has) to Vichy by the will also have to cancel a lucra- 47 thought you Canadian girls first Clipper? The unfavorable His publicity plans has were dulled stay his here.

usefulness. He GARY COOPER tive lecture tour. were cold -like your northern Wonder how come Bunny Wa- climate P' When Texas Ranger ters, the lovely show girl. over at Gary Cooper comes North to ly? the Ain't Are Horseshoe, it tenors is amazing so really that. lonesome romantic? Master late- get Carroll bis mad gets his -but hearth, Madeleine MADELEINE CARROLLE Feldman waiting trial in that Federal election matter) won $30,000 on the IN Vic Mature, the actor (who arrived when Betty Grable did) didn't much time meeting the she returned to the coast he returned to the field.

prettiest people, did he? The day CECIL B. DE MILLE'S Is Peggy Gallimore going to become Mrs. William worrier. Klein? Their He's 21 the Shubert's legal 2-year romance is still young. played drama stands? What What page's -upside happened newspaper Mr.

down to Al is on the being Hirshfield many Times dis- hands off NORTH when be frightened the River your me, you House -elevator- -man-with that Cree devils! Robert Preston is ing. on C. Chaplin, but you never Sergeant Preston Foster saw arm) beard smack anyway? so excitement? Whatever the (and many that other that became Why police day? Michigan parcel of scare cars Al that and under was group people, smear such call- his of captured of by man, the Cree George "Mouated" warriors. Bancroh! gets his WEST I Scummunists planned throwing at the German people have little to eat Goering isn't getting any thin- him broadcast this: "Whatever this Goat-Getter? Did they hear ner? people read or hear about Walter Winchell Have you is probably noticed that true!" although MOUNTED It is true that the are using the word: "Coventrized" to the 27th mean. benefit England How Hamburgered British the can show (by accommodate at "The destruction in incorporate the bombers) all Night of retaliation? Garden the of why the on Coventry, Stars" people word don't the "I'll bis furs Scotch Goddard's Scotch teach fur Lyine sense you trader little of Overman to too finds thrift.

steal as much a Paulette dour my for POLICE true who hours excited Who Schenck's the to don't do started newspapers want headliners their amazing the to acts? false into will miss show? rumor take waking Is Marvin four that up it Paulette Goddard Preston Foster IN TECHNICOLOR Al Jolson to check if he had been Al Jolson to check if he had been shot in the abdomen? What is- behind all this stuff about. Helen Morgan repudiating the talk that a girl named Rena Morgan is her daughter, with people saying Rena is--and others willing to wager Rena ain't? How come some of our colleagues credit that new book (about celebs) with this lien about us, to wit: "Some people will believe anything if you whisper the book cames out recently -and this colyum credited it to the Satevepost nearly two years ago? Why aren't there more people like Harry Carey, the actor? He insisted that all the reporters and photogs breakfast with him since they were assigned to meet his train at such an early Why does the. duch*ess hate being caled Why does F. D. R.

have so much self- control? When he should bounce A bottle over peo-1 ply's conks when they. hother him fp. one titled stranger did the oth: night) saying: "I suppose now will become. a General." Who put that breezy floor show one about Jane Wyatt of the the title of her show while seeing Hitler was flashed on the screen who booed. Her manly neighbor back of her pretty collar Please" with a stiff neck.

followed up the story about Capone talk that 'he is a tough case. true about a former Main Drag in the Pacific Ocean? together over at the Club Cuba? Charlie Wright's crew (and special lyrics) are corkers, plus Eunice Healey's and Nick Long's hoofing, and Sigrid Lassen's thrushing. time stuff. How come that former. State Senator is consorting with those wacky soap orators in Yorkville the mighty have sunk! Do the G-Men and Dies know that the plants were those explosions happened (in N.

J. and Penna. last week) employ German chemists imported from Berlin three years agoWhy don't the papers go after that hilarious story about the Prince of Nepal, whose former girl friend. (Sandra Rambeau) was reported to have jilted him for a Nazi General in Paris? He actually rushed his aide down to the British Embassy in Washington yesterday to "demand an apology and denial" from the U. S.

press! Lynne Overman George Bancroft A Produced and Directed by CECIL B. DEMILLE. Original Screen Play by Alan Le May, Jesse STARTS SUNDAY 7 ICE The Ladies' Friendship Circle was entertained at the home of Mrs. Vernie Baker Thursday. Those present were Wilda Conn, Mrs.

Dessie Beasley and daughter, Dorotha, Mrs. Mae' Mann' and granddaughter, Delilah, Mrs. Bertha Mann, Mrs. Edna McIntire, Mrs. Ivah Packer and daughter, Delight, Mrs.

Inez Blair and sons, Phillip and George, Mrs. Rosa Morton and daughter, Mildred, Mrs. Allie Beavans and daughter, Fay, I Mrs. Jennie Williamson, Mrs. Stella Booher, Mrs.

Emma Williams, Mrs. Ruby Williams and son, John Roger, Mrs. Nettie Custard, Mrs. Losh, Rev. and Mrs.

A. 'L. Wooton, Mrs. Ivan Wilson and daughter, Eileen, Mrs. Nellie Beavans, daughter, Rebecca Sue, Mrs: Nellie Lloyd and daughter, Mairlyn, Mrs.

Butterfield, Mrs. Helen Schoeff and children, Carol Jean, Francis and Ray Dean, Mrs. Helen Byrd and daughter, Judith, and Mrs. Vernis Baker. Mr.

and Mrs. Bert Custard attended the dedication of: the Rockford church Sunday. Rev. Wooton is helping in the revival campaign at Fowlerton this week. Neighbors and friends of Orlando Smith gave 8 surprise supper in honor of his birthday anniversary Friday night.

Present were Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neal, Mr.

and Mrs. Vernon Earhart family, Earnhart, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Yahne, Mrs. Elva Morrison and granddaughter, Doan Love, and and Mrs.

Orlando Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Monce and family, Linn Grove, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.

R. E. Williamson and family. Mr. and Mrs.

Ladarius Veundrick and son and Mrs. Walter Lloyd and children were Sunday afternoon callers. McNatt OTTO SELLERS RITES PLANNED Father of Marion Man Succumbs at Residence in Muncie; -Funeral Will- Be -Today. Funeral services for Otto Sellers, 72, retired Muncie photographer, father of Harry E. Sellers Marion, will be held at m.

today in Muncie. Mr. Sellers 'died Thursday night at his home in Muncie. A commercial photographer for 30 years, Mr. Sellers retired two years ago.

He moved to Muncie ago from New Albany, whereat he wast employed Gin the steel Mr. Sellers' was Muncie civic leader. and had made an extensive study of tax problems. 'He was secretary of the Indiana Association of Photographers in 1913. are two sons, Harry E.

Sellers, Marion, and R. G. Sellers, Muncie; a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Baker, Louisville, and in two grandchildren. ENGLEMAN RITES SET: Wabash, Nov.

Last. rites for Thomas Engleman, 86, retired farmer who died at the home of his son following a long illness, will be held at 1:30 p. m. Saturday. He was a life resident of the coun-' ty.

SAY TONIGHT" "GOOD NIGHT" to colds' miseries. Slip away from achey, muscles, sniffles, into sleep. Here's double help that acts almost instantly. Rub with Penetro. 25c.

Double supply, 350 PENETRO. at rifle flashes!" A little squad of Mounted Police, ambushed by thousands of wars maddened balf-breeds and Indisos, hold their ground, undaunted! "Chief, you sure have a mighty strange way of wel. comin' a stranger!" Great Bear's (Walter Hampden) warriors bring Gary Cooper fettered, into their war camp. "When the geese Ay north; my heart she Ay to you!" Paulette Goddard, 45- Louvette, the little -Freach Canadian traps Constable Robert Preston of the Mounted's heart. Robert Preston Akim Tamiroff Lon Chaney, Jr.

Walter Hampden Lasky, Jr. and C. Gardner Sullivan MOVIETONE NEWS LATEST WORLD EVENTS SPORTS NEWS HOCKEY SEASON STARTS: minter 10 A "NORTH Instead of -WEST MOUNTED. to announce show prices, PRICES: the, following are happy Sunday Matinee popular prices: scale of Weekday U. 9.

Driense Evening Tax 460 and Matinees Plus Be Defense 30c Plus. Children -Anytime Tax. -e.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.