How to Make V8-like Tomato Juice (2024)

How to Make V8-like Tomato Juice (1)

Looking for How to Make V8-like Tomato Juice - Easily! With Step-by-step Photos, Recipe, Directions, Ingredients and Costs in 2024? Scroll down this page and follow the links.And if you bring home some fruit or vegetables and want to can, freeze, makejam, salsa or pickles, see thispage for simple, reliable, illustrated canning, freezing or preservingdirections. There are plenty of other related resources, click on the resources dropdown above. If you are having a hard timefindingcanning lids, I've used these, and they're a great price &ship in 2 days.

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How to Make V8-like Tomato Juice - Easily! With Step-by-step Photos, Recipe, Directions, Ingredients and Costs

Click here for a PDF print version

Making and canning your own tomato -vegetable juice (much like the "V8") is also quite easy. And imagine how much better it will taste in the winter, with the flavor of home grown tomatoes and vegetables! Just scroll down this page to see how to do it, in easy steps and completely illustrated. I like it with the basil, but you can also make plain tomato juice, too. The only special equipment you need is a Pressure Canner and canning jars with new lids.Caution:Do not add other vegetables or thickening agents to home canned tomato juice.)


  • Tomatoes(any quantity - see step one)
  • Vegetables - Up to 1 cup of any combination of finely chopped celery, onions, carrots, and peppers per 7 lbs of tomatoes.
  • Lemon Juice(less than a cup)
  • Salt - optional


  • Jar funnel ($5 at Target, other big box stores, and often grocery stores; and available online - see this page) or order it as part of the kit with the Jar grabber .
  • Jar grabber (to pick up the hot jars)- Big box stores and grocery stores sometimes carry them; and it is available online - see this page. It's a tremendously useful to put jars in the canner and take the hot jars out (without scalding yourself!). The kit sold below has everything you need, and at a pretty good price:
    See here for related tools, equipment, supplies on Amazon
  • At least 1 large pot; I prefer 16 to 20 quart Nonstick ceramic coated pots for easy cleanup.
  • Large spoons and ladles,
  • 1 Water Bath or Pressure Canner -see this page for more information).
  • Canning jars (Grocery stores, like Publix, Kroger, Safeway carry them, as do some big box stores - about $7 per dozen 8 ounce jars including the lids and rings)
  • Lids - thin, flat, round metal lids with a gum binder that seals them against the top of the jar. They may only be used once.
  • Rings - metal bands that secure the lids to the jars. They may be reused many times.

Optional stuff:

  • Lid lifter (has a magnet to pick the lids out of the almost-boiling water where you sanitize them. ($4 at big box stores or it comes in the kit at left)


How to Make V8-like Tomato Juice (2)Step 1 - Selecting the tomatoes

It's fun to go pick your own and you can obviously get better quality tomatoes!

Wash, remove stems, and trim off bruised or discolored portions of the tomatoes.

Quantity: An average of 22 pounds of tomatoes is needed per canner load of 7 quarts. Not more than 3 cups of other vegetables may be added for each 22 pounds of tomatoes.

A bushel of tomatoes weighs about 53 pounds and yields 15 to 18 quarts of juice - an average of 31/4 pounds per quart.

At right is a picture of tomatoes from my garden - they are so much better than anything from the grocery store. And if you don't have enough, a pick-your-own farm is the pace to go! At right are 4 common varieties that will work:

Top left: BeefsteakTop right: Lemon Boy, yellow
Bottom left: Roma, paste-typeBottom right: Better Boy

Also, you don't want mushy, bruised or rotten tomatoes!

Caution: Do not can tomatoes from dead or frost-killed vines. Green tomatoes are more acidic than ripened fruit and can be canned safely, also.

Step 2 - Wash the jars and lids

How to Make V8-like Tomato Juice (3)Now's a good time to get the jars ready, so you won't be rushed later. The dishwasher is fine for the jars; especially if it has a "sanitize" cycle, the water bath processing will sanitize them as well as the contents! If you don't have a dishwasher with a sanitize cycle, you can wash the containers in hot, soapy water and rinse, then sanitize the jars by boiling them 10 minutes, and keep the jars in hot water until they are used.

NOTE: If a canning recipe calls for 10 minutes or more of process time in the canner, then the jars do not need to be "sanitized" before filling them. But really, sanitizing them first is just good hygeine and common sense!See this page for more detail about cleaning and sanitizing jars and lids.

Put the lids into a pan of hot, but not quite boiling water (that's what the manufacturer's recommend) for 10 minutes, and use the magnetic "lid lifter wand" to pull them out. Leave the jars in the dishwasher on "heated dry" until you are ready to use them. Keeping them hot will prevent the jars from breaking when you fill them with the hot jam.

How to Make V8-like Tomato Juice (4)Lids: put the lids into a pan of hot water for at least several minutes; to soften up the gummed surface and clean the lids.How to Make V8-like Tomato Juice (5)

How to Make V8-like Tomato Juice (6)

Need lids, rings and replacement jars?How to Make V8-like Tomato Juice (7)

Get them all here, delivered direct to your home, at the best prices on the internet!

Step 3 - Cut up the tomatoes and quickly put into the pot

How to Make V8-like Tomato Juice (8)To prevent the juice from separating, quickly cut about 1 pound of tomatoes at a time into quarters and put

Juicers? Can you use a juicer? There is no official guidance on the use of juicers from any reputable source (Ball Blue Book., NCFHFP, Mrs. Wages Corp, etc.) I've heard informal discussion about entrained air bubbles and specks of tomato seeds, but it seems to be that these are natural parts of the fruit and process and would become uniformly dispersed and santitized in the cooking and canning, so until I see official, credible research to the countrary, I'm doing... and to no ill efect!

A juicer would eliminate step 6 and 7 later on, but, of course, you will need to simmer for 5 minutes (step 5). The one potential downside to using a juicer is that the juice may later separate (clarify) into a top and bottom portion, due to exposure to air.

Step 4 - Heat to boiling and keep adding tomatoes

How to Make V8-like Tomato Juice (9)Heat immediately to boiling while crushing (I use a potato masher). Continue to slowly add and crush freshly cut tomato quarters to the boiling mixture; repeating steps 4 and 5. Make sure the mixture boils constantly and vigorously while you add the remaining tomatoes.

Step 5 - Add the vegetables

Add no more than 1 cup of any combination of finely chopped celery, onions, carrots, and peppers for each 7 pounds of tomatoes.

Step 5 - Continue cooking

Simmer the mixture for 20 minutes.

Step 6 - SieveHow to Make V8-like Tomato Juice (10)

Press hot cooked tomatoes and vegetables through a sieve or food mill to remove skins and seeds. I use the Foley food mill, shown at right

There is also a VERY nice, versatile strainer pictured at below! Click on the links there or see the bottom of this page for more information and to order! The VillaWare model can handle higher volumes than a Foley food mill (without giving you cramps!) And yes, you can use your juicer, if it can handle boiling hot liquids!

To see a greater variety ofstrainers in other types, sizes, and prices, click here!

Step 7 - Heat the strained tomato juice again

Heat the juice again to boiling.

Step 8 - Add lemon juice and seasoning TO EACH STILL EMPTY JAR

Add bottled lemon juice or citric acid to jars, as described in the next paragraph, to acidify the contents. This helps avoid spoilage and increase safety.

Acidification: To ensure safe acidity in whole, crushed, or juiced tomatoes, add two tablespoons of bottled lemon juice or 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid (such as "Fruit Fresh") per quart of tomatoes. For pints, use one tablespoon bottled lemon juice or 1/4 teaspoon citric acid. Acid can be added directly to the jars before filling with product. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar to offset acid taste, if desired. Four tablespoons of a 5 percent acidity vinegar per quart may be used instead of lemon juice or citric acid. However, vinegar may cause undesirable flavor changes, compared with lemon juice or citric acid.

Seasoning: Add 1 teaspoon of salt per quart to the jars, if desired. I also add 1 teaspoon of ground basil.

Step 9 - Fill the jars and put the lid and rings on

How to Make V8-like Tomato Juice (11)Fill jars with hot tomato juice, leaving 1/2-inch headspace. Adjust lids and process following to the instructions in the tables below according to the type of canner you have. (Acidification is still required for the pressure canning options; follow all steps in the Procedures above for any of the processing options.)

Note: the charts below will help you determine the right processing time and pressure, if you have a different type of canner, or are above sea level.

Water Bath Canner:How to Make V8-like Tomato Juice (12)

Table 1. Recommended process time forTomato Juice in a boiling-water canner. (shown at left)
Hot packProcess Time at Altitudes of
Jar Size0 - 1,000 ft1,001 - 3,000 ft3,001 - 6,000 ftAbove 6,000 ft
Pints35 min404550

Pressure canners:

Table 2. Recommended process time forTomato Juice in a dial-gauge pressure canner. (not shown)
Hot packCanner Gauge Pressure
(PSI) at Altitudes of
Jar SizeProcess Time0 - 2,000 ft2,001 - 4,000 ft4,001 - 6,000 ft6,001 - 8,000 ft
Pints or
20 min6 lb7 lb8 lb9 lb
Table 3. Recommended process time forTomato Juice in a weighted-gauge pressure canner (not shown).
Hot packCanner Gauge Pressure
(PSI) at Altitudes
Jar SizeProcess Time0 - 1,000 ftAbove 1,000 ft
20 min5 lb10 lb
1015Not Recommended

Step 10 - Remove the jars

How to Make V8-like Tomato Juice (13)Lift the jars out of the water and let them cool on a wooden cutting board or a towel, without touching or bumping them in a draft-free place (usually takes overnight), here they won't be bumped. You can then remove the rings if you like, but if you leave them on, at least loosen them quite a bit, so they don't rust in place due to trapped moisture. Once the jars are cool, you can check that they are sealed verifying that the lid has been sucked down. Just press in the center, gently, with your finger. If it pops up and down (often making a popping sound), it is not sealed. If you put the jar in the refrigerator right away, you can still use it. Some people replace the lid and reprocess the jar, then that's a bit iffy. If you heat the contents back up, re-jar them (with a new lid) and the full time in the canner, it's usually ok.You're done!

Once cooled, they're ready to store. I find they last up to 12 months. But after about 6 to 8 months, they get darker in color and start to get runny. They still are safe to eat, but the flavor and texture aren't as good. So eat them in the first 6 months after you prepare them!

This document was adapted from the "Complete Guide to Home Canning," Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 539, USDA, revised 2006, Reviewed May 2009.

Summary - Typical Cost of Making Homemade Tomato "V8" Juice

ItemQuantityCost in2024SourceSubtotal
Tomatoes1 gallonfree from your gardenyour garden or neighbor
Canning jars (quart size), includes lids and rings12 jars$14.00/dozen quart jarsGrocery stores, like Public, Kroger, Safeway and sometimes, Big Lots, local hardware stores and big box stores$9.00
Lemon juice1 cup$1.00Grocery stores, like Public, Kroger, Safeway and sometimes, Big Lots, local hardware stores and big box stores$1.00
Veggies (finely chopped celery, onions, carrots, and peppers)1 cupFree if they are from your garden, otherwise, $1.00Hopefully from your garden$1.00
Total$11.00 total
or about $0.91 per quart jar

* - This assumes you already have the pots, pans, ladles,, and reusable equipment. Note that you can reuse the jars and reduce the cost further; just buy new lids (the rings are reusable, but the flat lids are not)!

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FAQs -Answers to Common Questions

  • As my jars are cooling after i take them out of the canner, they sometimes make a popping or hissing noise. Is this normal and safe?
    Yes, the lids are designed to flex and that's actually a key selling point. You can tell if a jar hasn't sealed properly (after it has cooled completely) if the lid flexes and makes a popping sound when you press the center of the lid with your finger. The popping sounds while it is cooling is the lid being sucked down by the vacuum that is forming inside the jar - which a normal part of the sealing process. Hissing sounds are usually just escaping steam or hot water evaporating on hot surfaces, also normal!

  • Why should cooked jelly be made in small batches?
    If a larger quantity of juice is used, it will be necessary to boil it longer thus causing loss of flavor, darkening of jelly, and toughening of jelly. It really doesn't work. Trust me; I've tried many times!
  • Can I use frozen berries instead of fresh?
    Yep! Raspberries can be particularly hard to find fresh and are expensive! Frozen berries work just fine, and measure the same. Just be sure to get the loose, frozen whole fruit; not those that have been mushed up or frozen in a sugar syrup!
  • Should jelly be boiled slowly or rapidly?
    It should be boiled rapidly since long, slow boiling destroys the pectin in the fruit juice.
  • What do I do if there's mold on my jam, jelly or preserves?
    Discard jams and jellies with mold on them. The mold could be producing a mycotoxin (poisonous substance that can make you sick). USDA and microbiologists recommend against scooping out the mold and using the remaining jam or jelly.
    See this page from the US Food Safety and Inspection Service for more information. (andthis page for a pdf version)
  • Why did my jellied fruit product ferment, and what do I do?
    Jellied fruit products may ferment because of yeast growth. This can occur if the product is improperly processed and sealed, or if the sugar content is low. Fermented fruit products have a disagreeable taste. Discard them.
  • What happens if my jam or jelly doesn't gel?
    Remaking cooked runny jam or jelly instructions can be found on this page
  • What is the best way to deseed berries for jam? I heard a few different ways. A food mill, a ricer, and cheese cloth.
    For large seeds (blackberries, apples, and larger) I find a Foley Food Mill works best - it's certainly faster and easier than the other methods. Raspberry and smaller seeds are a real pain. They get stuck in (and clog) or pass through a food mill. The Villaware mill has a smaller screen that works great for them! See this page for more information about both strainers. Cheesecloth and jelly strainers are messy, take forever and you lose most of the pulp. For these, I find a metal sieve or colander (with small enough holes) and a spatula to help mush them and push the pulp through, is best. Also, heating the mushed up berries almost to boiling really helps to separate the seeds and pulp.
  • Click here to see our complete list of frequently asked questions on this page!
These are my favorite essential canning tools, books and supplies. I've been using many of these for over 50 years of canning! The ones below on this pageare just the sampling of. my preferred tools. but you can find much more detailed and extensive selections on the pages that are linked below. Strainers, pit removers, seed-skin-stem removers, jelly strainers, etc.All types, makes and prices (from $19 to $350)Selecting aKitchenAid mixer and attachments for home canningVacuum Foodsealers for freezing, dried foods, and refrigerated foods - the FoodSaver lineCherry pitters reviews, prices and orderingSteam JuicersFood dehydrators - easy and fast to dry your own fruits, veggies, sun-dried tomatoes, etc.See here for related tools, equipment, supplies on AmazonThe All New Ball Book Of Canning And Preserving: Over 350 of the Best Canned, Jammed, Pickled, and Preserved Recipes Paperback This is THE book on canning! My grandmother used this book when Iwas a child.; It tells you in simple instructions how to can almostanything; complete with recipes for jam, jellies, pickles, sauces, canningvegetables, meats, etc.If it can be canned, this book likely tellsyou how! Click on the link below for more information and / or to buy (noobligation to buy)The New Ball Blue Book of Canning and PreservingSee here for related tools, equipment, supplies on AmazonCanning and Preserving for Dummies by Karen WardThis is another popular canning book.Clickhere for more information, reviews, prices for Canning and Preserving For DummiesOf course, you do not need to buy ANY canning book as I have about 500 canning, freezing, dehydrating and more recipes all online for free, just seeEasy Home Canning Directions.Home Canning KitsSee here for related tools, equipment, supplies on AmazonSee here for related tools, equipment, supplies on AmazonSee here for related tools, equipment, supplies on AmazonSee here for related tools, equipment, supplies on AmazonI have several canners, and my favorite is the stainless steel one at right. It is easy to clean and seems like it will last forever. Mine is 10 yearsold and looks like new.The black ones are the same type of standard canner that my grandmother used to make everything from applesauce to jams and jellies to tomato and spaghetti sauce. This complete kit includes everything you need and lasts for years: the canner, jar rack, Jar grabber tongs, lid lifting wand, a plastic funnel, labels, bubble freer, It's much cheaper than buying the items separately.It's only missing the bible of canning, the Ball Blue Book. You will never need anything else except jars & lids (and the jars are reusable)! The complete list of canners is on these pages:Water bath canners- Good for acidic foods, like applesauce, pickles, salsa, jams, jellies, most fruitsPressure canners- needed for low and non-acidic foods, like canned vegetables (corn, green beans, etc), and meatsCanners for glass top stovesif you have a glass or ceramic stoveCanners for induction stovetopsPressure CannersIf you plan on canning non-acidic foods and low acid foods that are not pickled - this means: meats, seafood, soups, green beans corn, most vegetables, etc., then you ABSOLUTELY must use a Pressure Canner.Of course, you can use a pressure canner as a water bath canner as well - just don't seal it up, so it does not pressurize. This means a Pressure Canner is a 2-in-1 device. With it, you can can almost ANYTHING. There are also other supplies, accessories, tools and more canners, of different styles, makes and prices, click here!See here for related tools, equipment, supplies on AmazonBasic Canning AccessoriesFrom left to right:Jar lifting tongsto pick up hot jarsLid lifter - to remove lids from the potof boiling water (sterilizing )Lids- disposable - you may onlyuse them onceRing- holds the lids on the jar until after the jars cool - then you remove them, save them and reuse themCanning Jar funnel - to fill the jarsStrainersThese are very useful for making sauces like applesauce, tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce, jellies, etc. Below are my favorites. The complete list is on thesepages:Strainers, pit removers, seed-skin-stem removers, jelly strainers, etc.All types, makes and prices (from $19 to $350)Selecting aKitchenAid mixer and attachments for home canningSee here for related tools, equipment, supplies on AmazonInexpensive Old School Strainers: hand cranked Foley Food MillsThe hand-cranked Foley food mill (seethis page or clock the ad box) has been used for well over100 years in homes all over America (and variants around the world). It is effective and inexpensive, and ideal for small batches. However, if youneed to make many quarts, you will sure end up with tunnel carpel syndrome or some other repetitive strain injury. Norpro 1951 Manual Food Strainer and other brand stariners, with optional motors; (almost identical to Victorio V250, Villaware and Roma models, all discontinued)This is The next step up from the Foley food mill. First, it's far more ergonomic, and its handle is easier to use. Next, it works in continuous moderather than batch mode. So you can do much larger volumes easily. Finally, It has an optional motor, so you can. remove the manual labor. It alsooffers many different size strainers to use for different types of berries, vegetables and fruit. See the seller's website for more information, features, pricing and user reviews!A Johnny, Weston or Oxo strainer (about $60 - $100, see further down the page)orThis trainer is. simply a more upscale and improved version of the one above. See this page for more information, reviews, descriptions of other strainers and supplies or to order!Find this item (B09WDKLMPW) on AmazonSee here for related tools, equipment, supplies on AmazonSee here for related tools, equipment, supplies on AmazonSee here for related tools, equipment, supplies on AmazonSee here for related tools, equipment, supplies on AmazonKitchenAid - Best Large Volume StrainersIf you're going to do large volumes of fruit or vegetables , or do it year after year, then. you really should think about getting a higher end kitchen.utility device. Kitchen aids are the cream of the crop. Once you buy one of these, you keep at the rest of your life and it gets handed down to the nextgeneration. . My sister is using one she inherited from my mother 25 years ago, who got it in the 1940s as a wedding gift. So, although the initial cost ishigh, they literally last for many lifetime. So the cost on an annual basis is pretty trivial, especially when you consider the cost of therapy andtreatment for. the repetitive strain injuries you will get from manual cranking day after day. Add to that of course the cost of therapy for the emotionalinjuries you'll get from going insane, standing there hand cranking something for hours.KitchenAid's with a sieve/grinder (with the attachments, costs about $400,but it lasts a lifetime and is fast and easy to use - I can make 100 quartjars of applesauce per day with one of these).See here for related tools, equipment, supplies on AmazonSee here for related tools, equipment, supplies on AmazonSee here for related tools, equipment, supplies on AmazonSee here for related tools, equipment, supplies on AmazonSee here for related tools, equipment, supplies on AmazonSee here for related tools, equipment, supplies on AmazonFREE Illustrated Canning, Freezing, Jam Instructions and RecipesDon't spend money on books. that you don't need to. Almost everything you can find in some book sold online or in a store is on my website here for free. Start with theEasy Home Canning Directions below. That is a master list of canning directions which are all based upon the Ball Bblue book, the National Center for Home Food Preservation and other reputable lab tested recipes. Almost every recipe I present in addition to being lab tested com. is in a step by step format with photos for each step and complete. explanations. that tell you how to do it, where to get the supplies and pretty much everything you need to know. In addition, there almost always in a PDF format so you can print them out and use them while you cook.[ Easy Home Canning Directions] [FAQs - Answers to common questions and problems] [Recommended books about home canning, jam making, drying and preserving!] [Free canning publications to download and print]
How to Make V8-like Tomato Juice (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.