Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (2025)

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (1)

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When students make it past the halfway mark at school, it's time for a celebration! That's why so many teachers make a big deal out of the 100th day of school. Some classes celebrate with 100-themed parties, craft projects that involve the number 100, collections of 100 objects, dress-up days where kids are asked to wear a costume that makes them look 100 years old or drawing and writing assignments that prompt them to imagine what the world will be like when they're 100.

While these celebrations may seem like a recent trend — or growing in popularity in recent years — they actually date back to 1979, says Allison Wilson, Senior Director of Curriculum and Innovation at Stratford Schools. "This momentous occasion supports young learners in their understanding of the number 100 through the science of counting," she says." Children also have the opportunity to reflect on their learning for the first half of the school year."

And what about all those posters, t-shirts, arrays and other projects that involve 100 items? They help kids understand the concept of 100. "Numbers may sometimes feel abstract," Wilson says. "Research tells us that young learners benefit from working with tangible objects, especially when children are first acquiring the skill of counting. Counting objects also supports grouping objects — by fives, by tens, etc. — to see patterns and relationships between numbers and objects. Designing a poster or shirt may also provide a sense of creativity, ownership and some fun, too!"

But what to choose? Here are some of the best 100 Days of School ideas for creative projects. Some incorporate their favorite characters. Others have clever ways of making the big count easy but breaking things down into 10 groups of 10. Others show off a kid's personality. May they all inspire your young scholar for the next 100 days.

Looking for more great educational activities? Check out these Good Housekeeping guides:

The Best At-Home Science Experiments | The Best Learning Activities for Preschoolers and Kindergarteners | The Best Learning Activities for Toddlers

100 Days Beaded Necklace

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (3)

They'll have fun choosing their color scheme and making a necklace out of 100 beads. Bonus: Threading the beads onto a cord or lanyard also helps work on their fine motor coordination. A pendant or charm that says 100 is the perfect finishing touch.

See more at One Sharp Bunch »

100 Days Monster Shirt

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (4)

In Greek myth, the Argus was a giant, fearsome creature with 100 eyes all over his body — but this monster is a lot cuter. Let them go wild with a bag of 100 googly eyes.

See more at Salt Family Travels »

100 Days Flower Shirt

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (5)

My, how they've blossomed! They can put the "garden" in kindergarten with a "100 Days of Blooming" shirt, complete with 100 artificial flowers of their choice.

See more at Design Improvised »

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100 Days Butterfly Wreath

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (6)

For something a little different, you can pass over the shirts and posters and go for a 3D wreath instead. This one has 100 butterfly stakes to symbolize how the year "fluttered by," but the same family also made a wreath of friendship bracelet knots.

See more at Hopscotch Mom »

100 Days LEGO Shirts

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (7)

LEGO blocks, because of the way they line up so neatly into arrays and rows, are perfect materials for 100 Days projects. But instead of trying to attach LEGO bricks to a shirt, this blogger made 100 bricks out of heat transfer vinyl and then ironed them onto her son's shirts. You can download her pattern at The Scrap Shoppe Blog.

See more at The Scrap Shoppe Blog »

100 Days Gumball Shirt

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (8)

Gumball machines are a classic 100 Days motif. This shirt was made with felt and paint, but you can also make gumballs out of pom poms, Do-a-Dot paint markers or big sequins.

See more at DIY Inspired »

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100 Days Insect Shirt

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (9)

This design is not for the squeamish! For the future entomologists (or general pests) out there, this design features 100 plastic bugs.

See more at Where the Smiles Have Been »

100 Days of Faces Collage

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (10)

This one requires some advanced planning: If you have an instant camera or a photo printer, be sure to snap a pic every day for those first 100 days. Then you can make a collage of all the different looks they've sported over the year so far. If they're into fashion, you can make sure you get their outfits in the frame and make grid of #ootd images.

See more at The Crafty Pickle »

100 Days Drawing Project

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (11)

Some schools use the 100th day to have kids imagine what life will be like when they're 100 years old. Some kids are asked to come dressed as old men or old women, but this project — where kids draw what they look like today, and also what they'll look like when they're centenarians — is a lot easier to pull off.

See more at A Spoonful of Learning »

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100 Days Button Shirt

Buttons are great for art projects like this because they come in so many colors, shapes and sizes, so they're perfect for grouping and sorting, if that's required. If they like the "Pushing My Teacher's Buttons" slogan, you can download a template at Just Add Confetti and print it on iron-on transfer paper.

See more at Just Add Confetti »

100 Days Tally Mark Shirt

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (13)

This shirt flips things around a little, taking note of how the teacher has survived 100 days! If you want to try to DIY the tally-mark look, either on a poster or a shirt, you can try colored craft sticks.


100 Days Balloon Poster

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (14)

A bunch of 100 balloons is certainly eye-catching, but what really makes this poster shine is the expressions on the kids' faces in their balloon-holding photos. They really look like they're going to take off! You can find the free, printable template for the balloon design at Tried & True Creative.

See more at Tried & True Creative »

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100 Days Star Wars Shirt

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (15)

The Force is strong with this design. While this shirt's image and the "100 Days Smarter, He Is" slogan was designed in Photoshop, the 100 lightsabers were hand-drawn using paint pens.

See more at Mom Can Do Anything »

100 Days Ice Cream Cone Craft

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (16)

This craft wasn't conceived as a 100 Days idea, but with a couple of quick modifications it can easily be turned into one. Make five "scoops" of ice cream, put 20 toppings on per scoop — don't forget to count the cherry on top! — and there's your hundred. You can even vary up the toppings, with pom poms on one scoop, sequins on another, gems on a third, and so on.

See more at Makes and Takes »

100 Days Smarter Smarties

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (17)

What candy better signifies that they're "100 Days Smarter" than Smarties? This blogger used the Smarties as a fun, celebratory pass-out, but you can also easily attach them to a poster. Conveniently, there are 10 candies to a roll, so you need 10 rolls to make 100. You can find the free, printable template for the "100 Days Smarter" tag at Love the Day.

See more at Love the Day »

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100 Days Crayon Wreath

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (18)

It'll take some planning to ensure that this wreath is really made of 100 crayons, but once it's done it has a big "wow" factor. The chalkboard in the middle is the perfect place to write a 100 Days message, too.

See more at A Pumpkin and a Princess »

100 Days Cereal Necklace

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (19)

As an alternative to beads, kids can string any round cereal piece onto a necklace. Something like Fruit Loops, which comes in several colors, is a good choice because they can switch hues every 10 pieces, making it easier to visualize how 100 breaks down into 10 groups of 10.

See more at Kid Friendly Things to Do »

100 Days Photo Frame

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (20)

They can preserve the memory of the 100th day of school with a photo frame — and maybe a 100-themed photo booth with a backdrop, too? This set comes with 24 frames that students can decorate with school-themed stickers. The stickers aren't small enough to fit 100 on the frame, but that could be a good inspiration for a DIY project.


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100 Days Minecraft Shirt

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (21)

This student is celebrating "100 Days of Creepin'" with a Minecraft-inspired shirt. They used big, green pom poms to make the Creeper, but using different colors of green felt squares can also give that pixelated look. If you head to Seeing Dandy, you can get an SVG file for the shirt.

See more at Seeing Dandy »

100 Days Bookmark

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (22)

This project has the potential to last them through to the last day of school and beyond! The bookmark will certainly be helpful as they do their reading assignments. Head to Artsy Fartsy Mama for the free printable template.

See more at Artsy Fartsy Mama »

Heads Up: The 100th Day of School Will Be Here Before You Know It (2025)


How do you respond when someone says "long time no see"? ›

Here are some common and appropriate ways to reply to this greeting:
  1. "Yeah, it's been a while! How have you been?"
  2. "I know, it feels like forever! ...
  3. "I've missed catching up with you! ...
  4. "I know, time flies! ...
  5. "I've been keeping busy, but it's good to see you!"
  6. "I agree, it's been too long! ...
  7. "I've been meaning to reach out!
Jan 26, 2023

How to reply nice to see you after a long time? ›

Either you say “Happy to see you too,” or “Happy to see you too” because even it you aren't happy to see them, you say it to be polite.

Are there fake job websites? ›

Criminals will pose as reputable companies, like Thomson Reuters and post fictitious job descriptions on fake websites that look like the real thing. They will then make fraudulent job offers to job seekers. In some cases, they may ask for money, banking details or other personally identifiable information.

How do you give the best reply? ›

How to respond to questions effectively
  1. Prepare for tough questions. ...
  2. Pause before responding. ...
  3. Monitor your body language. ...
  4. Reword the question. ...
  5. Take more time if you need to. ...
  6. Acknowledge the other person's emotions. ...
  7. Answer a portion of the question. ...
  8. Ask questions about the question.
Jun 9, 2023

What to say instead of "long time no see"? ›

Instead of long time no see, consider these alternative expressions:
  • “I haven't seen you in a while!”
  • “It's been such a long time since we've seen each other!”
Apr 17, 2024

How do you say respond immediately? ›

Some examples are:
  1. As this is a time sensitive matter, we would appreciate your response at your earliest availability.
  2. We are looking to move forward with this project as soon as possible, and are looking forward to your timely response.
  3. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
Apr 9, 2019

What is the best reply for long time? ›

Some common responses include:
  • "Yeah, it's been a while! How have you been?"
  • "I know, right? How have you been keeping?"
  • "It feels like forever! What's new with you?"
  • "Indeed, long time no see! What's been happening in your life?"
  • "It's great to see you again! What's been going on?"
Feb 22, 2022

How do you respond to a quick response? ›

Thank You For Your Prompt Response Notes
  1. Thank you for responding so quickly. ...
  2. Thank you for your prompt response. ...
  3. Thank you for getting back to me so fast. ...
  4. I appreciate your swift reply. ...
  5. We appreciate your prompt response. ...
  6. Thanks for getting back to us so soon. ...
  7. Thank you for providing that information quickly.

What is a good response to see you later? ›

Responding with “See you too” or “Until tomorrow” is often suitable when conversing with clients or colleagues. This upholds a positive tone while preserving professionalism.

What to reply to "See You Soon"? ›

What do you say after someone says, “see you soon”? “You too!” I basically say this as a response to any farewell. “Have a good one!” You too!

How many jobs are fake? ›

It's a surprise to many job seekers that 30% of all jobs on job boards and LinkedIn are fake. There are fake jobs on company career pages, too. That means you're likely applying to fake jobs all the time ... and think about how all those fake jobs slow down your job search.

How to spot a job scammer? ›

Here are some signs that job offer may be a scam:
  1. Scammy recruiters will email you from a personal email, not a company account. ...
  2. Scammy recruiters push you for money. ...
  3. Scammy recruiters ask for your personal information up front.
Dec 11, 2023

Why do people post fake jobs? ›

Scammers are incredibly tuned into the fact that some job seekers are desperate to make money, and they will use this in recruiting new professionals who may not be accustomed to looking for work-from-home jobs.

What do you say to someone long time no see? ›

13 Texts to Send Someone You Haven't Seen in a While
  1. 1 “Hey! ...
  2. 2 “How are you? ...
  3. 3 “It's been too long! ...
  4. 4 “I passed by our old school and wondered how you were doing.”
  5. 5 “I was thinking about how we stopped talking, and I realized I was in the wrong.”
  6. 6 “Wishing you a happy holiday! ...
  7. 7 “Miss your face!”

How to respond to "I haven't seen you in a long time"? ›

You answer, “ Yes it has been too long; it's so good to see you now! I hope all has been well with you.” Depends on who's saying it. If it's someone you like, you could say something like 'Yes, it's been too long'.

What to say to someone after not seeing them for a long time? ›

"I've missed you! What have you been up to all these months/years?" This phrase is another straightforward approach with a touch of vulnerability. "By acknowledging that you've missed their presence, you convey a sense of sentiment and the desire to catch up," Burza says.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.