Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (2024)

Abbreviations are often used in chat and other places in Guild Wars 2. The following article aims to document the abbreviations seen most usually. Note that none of these abbreviations are case sensitive in practice, and their appearance in-game will vary accordingly.

You can reach this page from in-game at any time by typing /wiki Lingo into the chat box.

AbbreviationMeaningDetailsAAAAuto AttackPressing 1 over and over to auto-attack or letting the autoattack chain run through without button press.AAAstral AcclaimThe currency earned from the Wizard's Vault.ABAuric BasinA zone in Heart of Maguuma, part of the Heart of Thorns expansion.ACAscalonian CatacombsA dungeon in Plains of Ashford.ACArrow cartA siege weapon used in World versus World.ADPSAlacrity damage per secondRefers to a dps who can support the team with alacrity boons.AFKAway from keyboardThe player is not actively playing, but remains logged in.AHStrike Mission: Aetherblade HideoutA Strike Mission in End of Dragons.AhealAlacrity healRefers to a healer who can support the team with alacrity boons.AlacAlacrityA build that can provide and keep 100% uptime of Alacrity on its subgroup.AoEArea of EffectA skill or gameplay mechanic that affects creatures in a specific radius.AotJ / AshesAshes of the JustThe epilogue skill of the Tome of Justice from the Firebrand specialization.APAchievement pointsPoints awarded for completing achievements.APAetherpathA specific path of the dungeon Twilight Arbor.Apple / Apple tagMentoring BadgeA red icon that a player can use to mark their current position on the world map. Commonly referenced as "on apple" or "on my apple tag."ARAgony ResistanceResistance to the Agony found in Fractals.ArahThe Ruined City of ArahA dungeon located in Cursed Shore. Also refers to the event chain allowing access.ASSAntique Summoning StoneAn item used in creating Generation 3 Legendary Weapons.ATAutomated TournamentThe daily and monthly automated Structured PvP tournaments.AG / Axe / AxemasterKill Axemaster GwyllionRefers to the event in Verdant Brink during Night and the Enemy.BBKBlack KiterLiterally means black kiter, this is the same as Oil Kiter in the Deimos raid encounter.BCBlack CitadelThe charr capital city in Ascalon.BDBoon DurationDerived attribute that increases the duration of all boons applied. Derived from Concentration.BagBag of Loot1) A ground item, appearing at a player's feet, containing a defeated enemy's loot in World vs World.
2) A negative term for bad WvW enemies, hinting on the spoils they'll leave, also see previous meaning.Bal / BallBallistaA siege weapon in World vs World.BioBathroom BreakStands for "bathroom in-and-out", meaning the player has left to use the bathroom.BLBorderlandsOften prefixed with the specific world or color of the Borderlands,
e.g. TCBL for Tarnished Coast Borderlands, GBL for Green Borderlands or HBL for Home (your server's current color) Borderlands.BRBBe right backThe player is briefly not present, be it physically or with their avatar.BSBanner slaveA legacy warrior build that involved bringing banners to provide unique damage buffs to allies.BSBoneskinnerUsed for the strike mission / strike mission boss.BSBoon StripAny class that can remove boons from enemies. Used Mostly in Fractals.BSWBladeswornThe warrior elite specialisation in End of Dragons.BUBackupA person to step in and complete a particular task or role, only if the original person in charge can't do it.BWBackwargKills the Warg that spawns behind the team in wing 3 escort mission.CCACelestial AvatarThe Druid profession mechanic.CAConjured AmalgamateThe first boss in the Mythwright Gambit raid wing.Cat / CataCatalystThe elementalist elite specialisation in End of Dragons.CataCatapultA siege weapon used in World vs World.CapCapture a pointFully capture a Capture point, either from neutral or enemy team color to friendly team color. Usually used in Structured PvP.CCCrowd controlSkills which hinder the enemies from doing certain actions, usually trying to control their movements. Depletes the Defiance barCDCooldownThe time it takes for a skill to be ready to use again. Referred to as Recharge.CDPSCondition damage per secondA build based on condition damage with the main task to deal high damage.CFChest farmingExploring the Silverwastes with a group of people to collect as many Lost bandit chests as possible.ChampChampionA very difficult enemy, intended for a group, indicated on its portrait by a gold outline with crossed swords.ChronoChronomancerThe mesmer elite specialization in Heart of Thorns.Claw / Jormag / CoJClaw of JormagOne of the many champions of Jormag in Frostgorge Sound.
This encounter is often confused with the actual Elder Dragon Jormag.CMCaudecus's ManorA dungeon in Queensdale.CMChallenge Mote / Challenge ModeAn optional "hard mode" for some fractals, strikes, raids, and living world episodes.COStrike Mission: Cosmic ObservatoryA Strike Mission in Secrets of the Obscure.CoECrucible of EternityA dungeon in Mount Maelstrom.CoFCitadel of FlameA dungeon in Fireheart Rise.Com / Comm / Commi / CmdrCommanderSee also Tag / Taco / Pin / Dorito.CondiConditionDamage over time or control effect.CSCursed ShoreRefers to a champion and event farm with a designated commander in Cursed Shore.CSContinuum SplitRefers to the Chronomancer profession mechanic Continuum Split.CTChest TrainRefers to the Bandit Chest farming period on the Silverwastes map.CWStrike Mission: Cold WarRefers to the Cold War strike mission.CW/CCWclockwise/counterclockwiseRefers to the direction players place the fire mechanic in Qadim the Peerless fight. (aka first left then right from pylon while facing the boss)DDBSDeath-Branded ShattererA dragon champion of Kralkatorrik in Jahai Bluffs that spawns a Dragon Chest upon its defeat.DCDisconnectThe player lost connection to the game, usually from manually logging out, internet issues or electricity blackout.DDDaredevilThe thief elite specialization in Heart of Thorns.DEDragon's EndRefers to the explorable zone in the Cantha and its respective meta event.DE / DEDDeadeyeThe thief elite specialization in Path of Fire.DFDragonfallA zone in Path of Fire, part of the Living World Season 4 episodes.DecapDecapture a pointNeutralize an enemy Capture point but leave it at neutral without being fully captured. Usually used in Structured PvP.DHDragonhunterThe guardian elite specialization in Heart of Thorns.DiscDiscordA VoIP program for communicationDoDDefier of DoubtTitle awarded after successfully completing the Challenge Mode in Sunqua Peak Fractal. Used in Fractals of the Mists Looking For Group to demand that the player has this title.DPSDamage Per SecondA value used to describe how much damage a player or other character is able to deal.
Additionally, a group may look for DPS players, which means they are looking for players whose primary group role is dealing damage to the enemy.DRDiminishing returnsAnti-farm code implemented to prevent bots and exploits from disrupting the economy and gaining an unfair advantage over legitimate players.DRDivinity's ReachThe human capital city in Kryta.DRMDragon Response MissionDestroyer fighting instanced mini-missions released as part of The Icebrood Saga chapter 5, Champions.DragonClaw of Jormag
Tequatl the Sunless
The ShattererOften confused with Elder Dragons, these three lieutenants are often referred to as dragons, due to their shape.DSDragonstormRefers to the Dragonstorm instanced world boss accessible through the Eye of the North.DSDragon's StandRefers to the explorable zone in the Maguuma Jungle and its respective meta event.DSDDeep sea dragonA community nickname for Soo-Won prior to the release of End of Dragons. See Common terms for others.DTDanger TimeA chronomancer trait that boosts critical chance against slowed enemies.DTDry TopA high-level zone found in Maguuma Wastes, accessed through Brisban Wildlands.DuduDruidThe ranger elite specialization in Heart of Thorns.DwDDances with DemonsTitle given upon completing Sunqua Peak Fractal on Challenge Mode with no members of your party dying.
Usually seen in the Fractals of the Mists Looking For Group section, to demand that a player has this title.EEAEmpower AlliesA Warrior Master trait in the Tactics line.EB / EBgEternal BattlegroundsThe central map in World vs World. Location of Stonemist Castle.EctoGlob of EctoplasmA max-level crafting material, only acquired by salvaging rare or better level 68+ items.EleElementalistOne of the eight core professions which wears light armor.EngiEngineerOne of the eight core professions which wears medium armor.EoDEnd of DragonsReferring to the third Guild Wars 2 expansion, End of Dragons.EotMEdge of the MistsA sort of overflow map for World vs World. Events grant rewards and achievements but do not count toward the Mist War score.EotNEye of the NorthAn upgradable base for The Icebrood Saga living story arc.EpiEpidemicA Corruption Utility skill for the Necromancer.essUnstable Cosmic EssenceTrophy for 100 CM fractal. Usually seen/wanted to be pinged in Fractal LFG's to show a players' experience. See also KP.EWPEmergency Waypoint TacticWvW tactic to provide emergency waypoint, useful to summon players from different other WvW maps to guard invaded objective.EXPExperiencedOften seen in LFG (such as fractals) where a group wants an experienced player who knows the fractal.FF&P / P+FFractal Potion & FoodOften found in the LFG when looking for fractals or dungeons. Players in this group are expected to use potions and food for their run.FAFresh AirAn Elementalist trait.FBFirebrandThe guardian elite specialization in Path of Fire. Specific build variations can we written as HFB or QFB for Heal Quickness or CDPS Quickness Firebrand respectively, for example.FGSFiery GreatswordAn Elementalist elite skill.FotM / Fractals / FracsFractals of the MistsA dungeon in Lion's Arch.FCFull ClearCommonly seen in the raid and strike lfg when people want to clear an entire raid wing or all strikes.FSForging SteelA strike mission.FPSFrames Per SecondDenotes the number of frames per second that the client is currently able to render. Can be observed in the options menu.FrogsKill Cotoni and HuetziRefers to the event in Verdant Brink during Night and the Enemy.GGar / GarriGarrisonThe large central keep in a World vs World borderland.GGGood GameSaid when content has been cleared or a competitive match has ended
Refers to the /gg chat command. Typically said in chat to tell others in your group to use /gg on themselves.GHGuild hallGuild halls are areas designed for guilds.GHMordant Crescent Great HallRefers to the Sunspear Uprising meta event in the Domain of Istan.GitVGazed into the VoidA title rewarded by completing the achievement Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (1) End of Dragons: Gaze into the VoidIn the Xunlai Jade Junkyard Strike Mission with challenge mode active, defeat Ankka while she has 6 or more stacks of Power of the Void.(5Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (2)Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (3)).GMGuild MissionGuild activity which members can do together. Rewards the participants with Guild Commendations.GMGame MasterRefers to a game developer or moderator. Sometimes used to refer to any ArenaNet employee.Golem / Alpha / OmegaSiege GolemA mobile siege weapon in World vs World.Gor / GorsGorseval the MultifariousThe second boss in the Spirit Vale raid wing.GPHGold per hourThe amount of gold earned by some farming method if all loot is converted to gold.GotLGrace of the LandA Druid Grandmaster trait.GSGreatswordA two-handed melee weapon used by Warriors, Guardians, Rangers, Mesmers and Reapers.GTG / G2GGood to go / Got to goInterchangeably, the state of being ready or needing to leave based on context.GW / GW1Guild WarsThe original Guild Wars installment. Sometimes inaccurately used to refer to Guild Wars 2, if the 1 is omitted.HHADHeal Alacrity DruidRefers to a support variant for Druid.HAMHeal Alacrity MechanistRefers to a support variant for Mechanist.HATHeal Alacrity TempestRefers to a support variant for Tempest.HB / HFBHealbrand / Heal FirebrandRefers to a support variant for Firebrand.HKHand KiterRefers to a specialized role used in the Deimos encounter in Bastion of the Penitent.HoloHolosmithThe engineer elite specialization in Path of Fire.HomeHome instanceUpgradable instanced area within capital cities. Parties can be invited to one of their members' home instance to gather resources from the unlockable nodes.HoTHeart of ThornsReferring to the first Guild Wars 2 expansion, Heart of Thorns.HotMHeart of the MistsThe main hub for Structured PvP.HotWHonor of the WavesA dungeon in Frostgorge Sound.HPHero PointA character currency used to progress characters through training skills and traits.HS / HScHeal ScourgeRefers to a support variant for ScourgeHTStrike Mission: Harvest TempleA Strike Mission in End of Dragons.IIAImproved AlacrityA chronomancer trait that improves alacrity.IBS / TISThe Icebrood SagaRefers to the fifth Living World season. In LFG often refers to the strike missions released during the season.IBS 3 / easy 3Icebrood Saga (easy) 3 StrikesUsed by groups that do the 3 strike missions Shiverpeaks Pass, Voice of the Fallen and Claw of the Fallen and Fraenir of Jormag.IBS 5Icebrood Saga 5 StrikesUsed by groups that do the 5 strike missions Shiverpeaks Pass, Voice of the Fallen and Claw of the Fallen, Fraenir of Jormag, Boneskinner and Whisper of Jormag.ICDInternal CooldownUsed mainly for trait and skill systems, and indicate that a particular trait/skill enters an internal cooldown before producing its effect.
For example, the skill Meteor Shower has an ICD of 0.5sec, it means each meteor will only produce damage once every 0.5sec,
if the meteor hits a target and the cooldown is up the damage will simply be negated.IncIncomingUsed in World vs World to indicate that the enemy is approaching.Ini / InitInitiativeThe skill cost mechanic for thieves.IPInternet ProtocolEach instance/shard of every zone in the world has its own unique IP address, which can be determined by typing /ip. Players will sometimes list their map IP when many instances of the same map are running at once, like during a meta event.JJPJumping puzzleA platforming puzzle with a chest reward at the end.KKCKeep ConstructThe third encounter in the Stronghold of the Faithful raid wing.KOStrike Mission: Kaineng OverlookA Strike Mission in End of Dragons.KPKill proofOften used in high level fractal and raid LFGs; usually items unique to the content, such as a decoration token or unique gear. Players asking for kill proof in an LFG message want joining players to link the items or gear in chat using shift+click.LLALion's ArchOne of Tyria's cities, which connects all other major cities together.Lab / LabyMad King's LabyrinthRefers to the map available during the Halloween holiday event, the Mad King's Labyrinth.LargosTwin Largos (Nikare and Kenut)The second encounter in the Mythwright Gambit raid wing.LBLongbowA ranged weapon used by Warriors, Rangers and Dragonhunters.LC / LCM / LMStrike Mission: Temple of FebeRefers to the Legendary Challenge Mode of the Temple of Febe Strike Mission.Ld / LD / ldLegendary DivinationItem previously acquired from bosses in Path of Fire raids, was used in the creation of the legendary ring Coalescence.Levi / LEVI / leviFend off the leviathanRefers to an epic and event farm in Seitung Province.LFLife forceResource pool for Necromancers.LFG / LF#M / LFTLooking For Group
Looking For # More
Looking For TeamUsed to search for party members (usually for dungeons, fractals, raids and strike missions).LFRLooking For RaidPoster is looking to join a raid.Li / LI / liLegendary InsightItem acquired from bosses in raids, used in the creation of legendary armor and the legendary ring Coalescence.LILow IntensityUsed to describe character builds with a very low input required to function, often useful for players with various disabilities.LNHBLeaves No Hero BehindRefers to the title gained from completing the T4 Shattered Observatory CM fractal without a single party member dying. Usually seen/wanted in Fractal LFG's to show a players' experience.LS / LWLiving WorldRefers to the Living World update structure between expansions.LT / LieutLieutenantA "rank" inside a Squad with elevated permissions. Can only be assigned by the squad's Commander.MMat / MatriKill the wyvern matriarchRefers to the event in Verdant Brink during Night and the Enemy.MatsCrafting materialMaterials used in Crafting.MattMatthias GabrelThe final boss of Salvation Pass.MawThe Frozen MawThe meta event and world boss event in Wayfarer Foothills that takes place every two hours.MCMystic CoinRefers to Mystic Coins which are often used as an alternative to Coins.MechMechanistThe engineer elite specialization in End of Dragons or their summon, Jade MechMetaMeta eventRefers to connected chains of dynamic events that take place in a certain map.MetaMetagameThe most effective builds or party/squad compositions of the moment.MFMagic FindAttribute that increases chance of higher-quality loot from defeated foes.MF / ForgeMystic ForgeAn interactive object in certain places around Tyria and the Mists used to acquire and gamble with various recipes.MOMursaat Overseer2nd boss of the Bastion of the Penitent raid wing.MOMike O'BrienCo-founder and former president of ArenaNet.MPMastery pointAn endgame progression element available in any one of the expansions.MSMeteor ShowerElementalist fire staff skill with a large radius and long recharge.NNANightmare AspectSeen in Fractal LFG, a title earned for completing the Silent Surf fractal's challenge mode.Necro / NecNecromancerOne of the eight core professions which wears light armor.NMNormal modeNormal mode, that is without activating the challenge mote. Often used in strike missions.NodeResource nodeA gathering location to mine, harvest, or chop to acquire ore, cooking materials, or wood.OObby / Obsi / ObiObsidian ShardsA rare crafting material which is needed for Ascended equipment and Legendary weapons.OLCStrike Mission: Old Lion's CourtA Living World Season 1 Strike Mission.OOCOut of CombatMainly used so party members can heal or teleport/revive at a waypoint.OP / OpOverpoweredUsed to describe something too powerful.OWOpen WorldThe explorable zones in the world map that are open to all players.PP1 / P2 / P3 / P4Path 1 / 2 / 3 / 4Used by Dungeon groups to indicate which of the explorable paths they're doing.PalaPalawadan, Jewel of IstanMeta event in the Domain of Istan.Pat / PatriKill the Wyvern PatriarchRefers to the event in Verdant Brink during Night and the Enemy.PBAoEPoint Blank Area of EffectRefers to area of effect attacks that are centered around the player, sometimes referred to as player-based area of effect.PDPSPower damage per secondA build based on Power damage with the main task to deal high damage.PHIWPlay How I WantA tag for groups where players are not required to run (popular) meta classes. (see meta)PIPerfect InscriptionsA Guardian Grandmaster trait that improves their Signets and share the passive effects with their team.PoFPath of FireReferring to the second Guild Wars 2 expansion, Path of Fire.PoIPoint of interestThe points of interest (little squares) that are required for map completion. Alternatively, a former show about the game.Port / PortalPortalA circle in the ground that teleports players to another location, usually chosen by another player.PotPotionA consumable which grants effects that are helpful against a specific type of NPC enemy.PPKPoints Per KillPoints awarded towards war score per enemy players killed in World vs World.PPTPoints Per TickPoints awarded towards war score every 5 minutes for locations controlled in World vs World.PrePre-eventEvents that are part of an event chain and lead to a particular, sought after event. Pre is rarely used for precursor weapons.PSPhalanx StrengthA build-defining Warrior Grandmaster trait in the Tactics line.PUG / PugsPick Up GroupA group of randomly matched players.PvD / PvDoorPlayer versus DoorPlayers attacking gates with their weapon skills in World versus World to break them faster.PvEPlayer versus EnvironmentThe gameplay mode which solely focuses on pitting players against AI-controlled enemies.PvP / sPvPPlayer versus PlayerThe gameplay mode which solely focuses on pitting players against other players.PvXPlayer versus anythingA PvX player is a player who enjoys doing both PvE and PvP. Similarly, a PvX guild is a guild which does both PvE and PvP.QQB / QFBQuickness FirebrandRefers to a support and CDPS hybrid variant for Firebrand.QDPSQuickness damage per secondRefers to a dps who can support the team with quickness boons.QhealQuickness healRefers to a healer who can support the team with quickness boons.QQ / Rage / SaltCrying / Lashing outUsed for pointing out sore losers or players complaining about events, battles or teammates.Q1 / Qadim 1QadimThe third boss of Mythwright Gambit raid wing.QtP / Q2 / Qadim 2 / QTPieQadim the PeerlessThe third boss of The Key of Ahdashim raid wing.Rr / r?readyUsed in chat for ready checks, on occasions where the game does not provide a built-in ready tool.rc? /rcReady CheckUsed in chat for to ask for a commander to do a Ready Check. Or if a member of the squad forgot to answer it.Rec / RecsRecommended FractalsRefers to a set of daily fractal achievements.RenRenegadeRefers to the Path of Fire elite specialization for the Revenant profession.RepRepresentRepresenting a guild.RevRevenantA profession introduced in and available by owning Heart of Thorns.Rez / ResRevivalRefers to the act of reviving a player from downed or defeated state.RIRighteous IndignationAn WvW NPC effect that grants invulnerability against damage of all sources and provides a significant damage boost.RIRighteous InstinctsA Guardian Grandmaster trait that significantly increases critical chance and generates might. Used in opposition to Perfect Inscriptions. See also PI.RIBARed-Indigo-Blue-AmberA casual-oriented Silverwastes event farming method referring to the order of event-tagging.RiverRiver of SoulsThe second encounter in the Hall of Chains raid wing.Rota, rotRotationA sequence of actions performed by players to achieve a desired outcome. Often a skill sequence.RPRole PlayingWhere players act out their character's attitude, actions and speech within the game setting.RRRighteous RebelOften used to indicate a variant of a condition Renegade build which will provide alacritySSAShadow ArtsShadow Arts is a core specialization for the thief that focuses on survival, defensive abilities, and stealth.SABSuper Adventure BoxAn 8-bit platformer inspired mini-game.SabSabetha the SaboteurThe third boss in the Spirit Vale raid wing.SAKSpecial action skill/keyAdditional skills which can appear above the skill bar during certain fights.Sam / SamaSamarog3rd boss of the Bastion of the Penitent raid wing.SB / BeheShadow BehemothEpic nightmare boss in Queensdale, that appears on a fixed schedule.SBShort bowA ranged weapon used by Rangers, Thieves and Renegades.SB / SPBSpellbreakerWarrior elite specialization featuring dual daggers, interrupts, and heavy boon removal.SB / SlbSoulbeastRanger elite specialization featuring mainhand dagger and pet merging.SESorrow's EmbraceA dungeon in Dredgehaunt Cliffs.SH / DesminaSoulless HorrorThe first boss in the Hall of Chains raid wing.ShrekStrike Mission: Cosmic ObservatoryRefers to Strike Mission: Cosmic Observatory or Dagda.ShroudDeath ShroudRefers to the necromancers profession mechanic.SlothSlothasor1st boss of the Forsaken Thicket raid wing.SM / SMCStonemist CastleThe main fort in the Eternal Battlegrounds.SotOSecrets of the ObscureReferring to the fourth Guild Wars 2 expansion, Secrets of the Obscure.SPStrike Mission: Shiverpeaks PassRefers to the strike mission.sPvPStructured PvPPvP mode which allows competition on an even footing. Available in the Heart of the Mists.StabStabilityBoon that prevents players from being affected by hard crowd control effects.StatuesStatues of GrenthThe third encounter in the Hall of Chains raid wing.StMSeize the MomentA Chronomancer major Grandmaster trait that provides quickness for each clone shattered.Sup(s)SupplyA currency that allows a player to construct siege, deploy a trap (environmental weapon), or repair a damaged gate or wall.SWSilverwastesRefers to activities in Silverwastes - typically either doing meta events, doing meta bosses, or a Lost Bandit Chest train.
Often accompanied with XX%, indicating how far along the map is towards the meta boss events.TT1 / T2 / T3 / T4Tier #One of the 4 difficulty tiers in the Fractals of the Mist.
Often used as a synonym for the daily fractal achievements on the respective tier.TATwilight ArborA dungeon in Caledon Forest.TarirBattle in TarirReferring to the meta event in Auric Basin which involves the defense of the Exalted city of Tarir.TCTarnished CoastA World in North America.TCTwisted CastleAn encounter in the Stronghold of the Faithful raid wing.TDTangled DepthsA zone in Heart of Maguuma, part of the Heart of Thorns expansion.TetradKill the tetrad of Mordrem championsRefers to the event in Verdant Brink during Night and the Enemy.Teq / TacoTequatlThe world boss Tequatl the Sunless.TMTreasure MushroomEvents in HoT maps that have a daily rare chance of rewarding Invisible Boot Box.TOF / ToFStrike Mission: Temple of FebeA Strike Mission in Secrets of the Obscure.TPTrading PostAn in-game tool for buying and selling loot, accessed by default with O.TPTeleport/TP to FriendPortal Entre, Teleport to Friend or skills with similar mechanics.Train / KTrainTrainA great amount of players using the strength of numbers to achieve a task with little difficulty. May in particular apply to
Karma Train (capturing camps/objectives/towers/keeps in WvW or EotM in a cycle to acquire a constant stream of karma, experience, and loot)
Champion Train (circling a set amount of places where Champions spawn to kill them efficiently for loot, or swarming an event to make more of them spawn)
or sometimes Fail Train (staying at a place farming an event or an event chain that restarts faster or is more lucrative when failed).Taxi / FerryTaxiReferring to moving players to a particular instance of an explorable zoneTrebTrebuchetA siege weapon used in Player vs Player and World vs World.TrioProtect the caged prisonersThe 2nd encounter in the Salvation Pass raid wing, which contains 3 individually weaker bosses.TSTeamSpeakA third party tool mainly used for voice communication.TTTriple TroubleReferring to the Three-Headed Wurm world boss.TLTwin Largos (Nikare and Kenut)The second encounter in the Mythwright Gambit raid wing.UUF / UFEUnstable Fractal EssenceItem acquired from completing Nightmare Fractal, Shattered Observatory Fractal, or Sunqua Peak Fractal with challenge mode active.UMUnbound MagicRefers to the Living World Season 3 global map currency Unbound Magic.VVBVerdant BrinkRefers to the explorable area in the Maguuma Jungle and often its associated meta events.VGVale GuardianThe first boss in the Spirit Vale raid wing.VetVeteranRefers to a veteran rank NPC, indicated by a bronze border on its portrait.VindiVindicatorThe revenant elite specialization in End of Dragons.VirtVirtuosoThe mesmer elite specialization in End of Dragons.VitVVoice in the VoidRefers to the title gained from completing all achievements in the Hall of Chains raid wing, also known as Silencer.VMVolatile MagicRefers to the Living World Season 4 global map currency, Volatile Magic.VWVinewrathRefers to the boss of the meta event that follows The Breach in the Silverwastes.WW1 / W2 / ... / W7Wing #Commonly seen in the raid LFG to refer to one of the raid wings based on the order released.WBWelcome BackReturn greeting after being Away From Keyboard.WBWillbenderThe guardian elite specialization in End of Dragons.WBWorld bossA special kind of event that gives a daily reward at the end of an event chain culminating in the battle against a powerful enemy. Some of them are on a precise schedule.WoJStrike Mission: Whisper of JormagRefers to the strike mission and its boss, Whisper of Jormag.WPWaypointAllows fast-travelling across the map.WTBWant to buyOften seen in the LFG, a player wants to buy something.WTSWant to sellOften seen in the LFG, a player wants to sell something.WVWizard's VaultAn new in-game system used to collect rewards from daily quests and purchase items with Astral Acclaim. Replaces the old Log-in Rewards system.WvWWorld versus WorldA form of Player versus Player that pits three worlds against each other in a weekly match.XX/XWeapon setFormat: Mainhand/Offhand. Example: D/P is short for dagger/pistol. With no off hand it's D/X. With two-handed weapons like Greatsword it's just "GS".XJJStrike Mission: Xunlai Jade JunkyardA Strike Mission in End of Dragons.YYak / DollyDolyakAn animal in Tyria. Most commonly used to refer to supply caravans in World vs World and The Silverwastes.ZZerg / (Map-)BlobZergMassive group of players. A zerg is any group above 10-15 players, Blobs are generally maxed out squads of 40-50 ppl, or more.Zerk / ZerkerBerserker'sA widely-used stat combination improving purely strike damage attributes (power, precision and ferocity), or a character wearing such equipment.
Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.