by Robins Chew
A guide for every present and message in Security Breach. Currently a work in progress.
Important Info
- I recommend waiting until 5:40 to collect everything as this is the literal last minute of the game. You will have high enough clearance + upgrades to access most areas in the game.
- You will need to enter the 6am permadeath hour for some collectibles, as certain areas require both the Beak and Claws upgrades.
- These are listed in no particular order outside of area. I’m filling them in mostly as I find them.
This guide is a WIP!
I believe I’ve found most of the collectibles so far, but I’m obviously missing a few and decided to open this up to community effort. I will update the guide as I go.
Rockstar Row + Freddy Maintenance Tunnels
Automatically received at the start of the game.
Present – Freddy Face Shirt
Directly across from Chica’s room is a set of character cutouts. This present can be found behind RWQFSFASXC (Shadow Bonnie).
Message – Party Foul
This can be found directly across from Freddy’s viewing window on a bench.
Key Item – Photo Pass
After attempting to open Freddy’s door, turn around and go beneath the rolling shutter. It will be immediately visible.
Present – Monty Name Shirt
Head to the far right corner of this room behind the counter to spot a red security door leading to a very small office with the present.
Key Item – Cameras
You’ll have to pick this up after being chased by the animatronics to the first security booth.
Present – Golden Roxy
After entering the maintenance tunnel with Freddy you’ll spot a lone sweeper bot behind a locked gate. You’ll need Monty’s claws to open this. Once you do, the present is behind the flashlight charger.
Message – Missing
Head down to the bottom of the maintenance stairs and look for the locked door with the Raceway symbol in front of it (where Freddy took you for first aid). Break it open to find the message in the room ahead.
Present – Comedy Mask
Directly across from this room is a door you need Chica’s voicebox to open. The present is inside.
Present – Sun Figure
A little further down the tunnel is another locked gate with a purple light. Break it open to find the present in a room with a projector and a ton of trees.
Present – Foxy Plush
Exit the previous room and look behind the left set of crates a few feet away.
Present – Moon Figure
At the top of the maintenance stairs is another locked gate across from the save station. Break it open, and the next locked gate across the room to find a strange spot with a large conveyor belt. The present is on top.
Present – Glam Freddy Plush
Further into this section you’ll be chased by Monty down a corridor. Return to this area with his claws and bust open the first gate on the left.
Message – Torn Note
Turn around and head into the fog where Monty first emerged from. You’ll need both the claws ands the voice box to reach this message at the end of the path.
Present – Chica Pinata
After exiting the security office the 3 bots chase you into, you’ll come to a hall with Chica roaming. The present is right as you enter.
Key Item – Party Pass
Once you can access Chica’s room, enter it to find it on her table.
Message – Chica Report
Directly to the side of Chica’s table.
Present – Chica Mask
Head into the back room of Chica’s area to find this on top of the boxes near the Freddy charging station.
Message – Monty Mischief
Enter Monty’s room to find this on his table.
Message – Understudy
If facing Chica’s window, go right through a door to find yourself in a backstage area. There’s a key item you grab here, but I can’t remember which one. The note is behind the bleachers in the center.
Present – Flashlight Upgrade
From the last message, head right into the double red doors. The present will be right i front of you.
After entering the lobby, head to the far end past a lone sweeper bot to find your free Entry Pass!
Present – Fizzy Faz (Chica), Message – False Alarm
After going past the entry gates, go right and enter the level 2 security door to find both items in the next room.
Message – Easy Money
Found on the fountain in the middle of the area.
Present – Chica Name Shirt
Behind the fountain is a closed off elevator. The present is to the left.
Key Item – Mr. Hippo Magnet
Head up the escalator in the middle and hook a right. Enter Glamrock Gifts and head downstairs to find this. You can recollect it again later in the night. Not sure if that’s a bug or not.
Message – AC Inspection
Enter the café on the opposite side of the giftshop to find this near the pool table in the back.
Present – Glam Chica Plush
Head into the kitchen of the café and go to the far right to find the present tucked in the corner.
Head downstairs from the last message and enter the lost and found. The present is immediately to your right.
Present – Cupcake Pinata
Through the level 4 security door directly ahead of the previous present.
Message – Hi Dave
Go out of the previous room into customer service (directly below the café) to find this in the back near the colored lockers.
Present – Freddy Name Shirt
Go through the daycare door and enter the second door on your right. The present is in the last stall.
Present – Sun Plush
Jump on top of the fountain in the center of the area. It’s near the Freddy logo.
Daycare + Theater
After dropping down into the Daycare, either distract Sundrop or complete the encounter with Moondrop (don’t leave the area if you do). Once you’re free to explore you can find this on top of the brown tower to the right of the ball pit.
Message – Out of Order
Facing away from where Sundrop throws you out, head left to find a small Fazcade. The message is inside.
Now go to the right side and enter the Lucky Stars Giftshop. The present is all the way in the back.
Present – Glamrock Freddy Figure
This can be found in the party room at the top of the left staircase after exiting the play area. There’s a giant Sundrop billboard to the right and a Lobby sign above the door.
Message – Recycled Pizza?
In the conjoined room of the last collectible.
Present – Plush Baby
Between the two staircases is a giant buoy. Enter the party room directly across from it (green or purple doors) to find the present inside on a table.
Present – Freddy Mask
After returning to the Daycare, enter the theater and head behind the counter immediately to your left. The present is on a high shelf in the kitchen area.
Message – BBW Maint Log
Exit the stall and continue down the stairs to the main theater. The message is in the center of the room.
Present – Frozen Chica Treat
Directly in front of the stage. near the cushion seats.
Message – The Answer
Head down the stairs behind the theater to find this message in front of the multi-colored lockers.
Key Item – Mazercise Control Key
Head to the very bottom of this area and enter the right most double red door. It’s directly in front of the save station.
Message – Arcade Conspiracy
Next to the Balloon Boy arcade machine in the secret area. Follow the steps in this guide for more info on how to unlock it.
Present – Golden Moon
Right next to the previous message.
Starting from the main stage, locate the giant Monty’s Golf display and head to the dining area to its left. The present is in the back right corner.
Present – Frozen Monty Treat
Enter the rolling shutter behind the Golf display and look behind the grass cutouts to the left.
Present – Golden Sun
Head right into Foxy’s cove and walk up to the door of the lighthouse.
Present – Moon Plush
In the same area, go behind the ship to find an opening with the present inside.
Present – Chica Magnet
From the Cove, head up the escalator and go left down the hall to find the dimly lit Bakery (between the Cove and Monty Golf). Once in, head to the top left corner to find the present behind a stall.
Message – Arcade Maint Log
Enter the kitchen of the bakery and squeeze past the security bot to be facing the giant cupcake. To your left is a small room with the message.
Present – Hoodie
In the very back of the bakery is a bathroom with the hoodie on a toilet.
Present – Monty Pinata
On the direct opposite end of the stage is the party check-in booth. The present is inside.
Message – Better Employees
Exit the check-in booth and locate the purple ice cream sign and enter the level 4 security door to its left. Enter the first door on your left again to find the message in the middle of the small kitchen.
Present – Pinata
Directly to the left of the chef bot is a door that leads to a small food stand. The present is to the left under all the pizza boxes.
Present – Freddy Upgrade
Exit the Ice cream spot from where we entered and look left to spot a vent. The present is on a table a little to the right of the vent.
Present – Freddy Face Shirt
Head back to the Ice cream spot and continue to the very back to spot a large service elevator that leads to the Loading Bay. Don’t take it down. instead, look right to spot the present is on a conveyor belt.
Present – Space Freddy Keychain
Enter the rolling shutter to the Fazer Blast court and head up the stairs to your left. The present is near a control panel at the top.
Present – Freddy Pinata
To the right of the ticket bot is a small counter top you can crouch under. The present is in the pantry past the kitchen.
Present – Roxy Mask
After jumping over the boxes into the Roxy Raceway construction area, look right for a metal staircase. The present is on top.
Present – Frozen Roxy Treat
To the top right corner of the same area is a large generator. The present is behind it.
Message – It’s Happening Again
On the 2nd floor, head to the far right to find a closed off area. The message is at the very end on the right.
Present – Roxy Balloon
Enter the shutter to Roxy Raceway and hook an immediate right to spot a storage container with the present inside.
Present – Fizzy Faz (Monty)
Head up to the 3rd floor and enter the El Chip restaurant. Go into the kitchen to find the present.
Super Star-Cade
As soon as you enter the arcade from El Chips, head to the top left corner to find a door leading to the bathrooms. Go around to the girls room to find the present in a stall near the middle.
Message – Night Shift
At the far back of the arcade (near the rolling shutter to the gift shop) is a small dining area with the message.
Present – Frozen Freddy Treat
At the end of the long gift shop corridor where you had to sneak around Monty and Roxy.
Loading Dock
After running away from Musicman in the vent, you’ll be prompted to slide down the shafts. Once you land, exit and hook a right through the door. You’ll find the present on the chair in this little office.
Message – Drink Fizzy Faz!!!!
Enter the next door to find yourself in a large room with giant vats lining it. Head across to the next door with a giant letter symbol next to it. Look right as soon as you go through the door.
Key Item – Security Badge
Continue forward to find yourself on a catwalk overlooking a giant kitchen. After entering the next door, enter the office to your left. The badge is on the table. As soon as you grab it you’ll start the pizza making mini game.
Present – Golden Chica
Exit the office and head down the stairs. Enter the security doors directly ahead of you to find yourself in a giant cafeteria. Head right to find the present behind the counter.
Message – Pink Slip
Found on a table in the middle of the cafeteria.
Message – All Staff Meeting
In the cafeteria, look for a giant sign that reads “Don’t ask…Why Animatronics?”. To its left is a blue shutter door. The message is just on the other side of it.
Present – Glam Roxy Plush
Continue forward until the Monty Fiz machine. To your right should be a Freddy charging station. Go left and follow the hall left through a door to find yourself in a long yellow lit tunnel. The wall should read “B1-COR-FC-1”. Follow it through and enter the very far door on the right to find yourself in a large washing room. Hook an immediate left through another door to find the present between to wet floor bots.
Present – Old Poster
Head back into the wash room and go to the middle of it to find a bunch of sweeper bots and a security bot. Hug the left side and pass under the flappy things to find yourself in front of some towel shelves. Hook a left and then an immediate left to find the present behind the shelves in the blue lit room.
Present – Star Shirt
In the same room, look for the entrance to the lockers / shower room. Head through and peek into the 2nd shower stall for the present.
Message – Question
From here, head into the doorway ahead of you and to the left to spot the message immediately in front of a poster.
Message – Marked for Deletion
Head back to where we found the present in the shower. As you pass the showers, enter the door on your left to enter a hall full of more doors. Enter the one at the far end and enter the first orange lit cubby for the message.
Message – Compactor Instructions
The next door over leads back to the kitchen. Enter it to find the message you might have spotted during the pizza mini game. You might need to lure Chica away in order to grab it.
Present – Old Poster
After completing the Chica fight you’ll come to a set of bots around a table. The present is on the table.
Parts & Service
After escaping Moondrop in the charging pod, navigate to a dark loading bay where an exo robot is waiting for you. After safely navigating around him, hop into the vent and run from Musicman. Once on the other side, you can find the note directly across from the save station near the metal fencing.
Present – Nightmare Plush
Navigate through the next set of halls with the green buttons and exos you need to stare at so they don’t move. You’ll eventually find your back to a wall where you can go left further down the halls, or right into a metal door. Go into the door and locate the next button to find the present.
Key Item – Security Badge
Go down the left side this time to find a button to open a wall that requires a bit of backtracking. Continue through the exo maze until you reach the security office. The Freddy holder is on the table as usual. Note that as soon as you grab it, every exo in the area will become active.
Present – Glam Roxy Figure
Return to where you hid from Moondrop and proceed through the door to Parts & Services. Facing Freddy, head right and look for the smashed window you can pass through. Follow it into the room with the present.
Messages – Chica Upgrade, Roxy Upgrade, Monty Upgrade
All 3 of these notes can be found on the walkway behind Freddy’s enclosure.
Present – Four Block Shirt
After repairing Freddy, take Roxy’s elevator. Once you exit, the present is immediately to your left.
Monty’s Gator Golf + Mazercise
After entering Monty’s Golf, head down the first escalator you see and go left. Navigate all the way until you see the Monty’s Gator Grub stand. The message is on the counter.
Present – Go Kart
Locate hole 17, almost directly across from the food stand and enter the small carriage. The present is inside.
Present – Tragedy Mask
Locate the ball pit and go through it to the wooden tower. The present is inside.
Present – Flashlight Battery Upgrade
Head into the Monty Grub kitchen and locate the door that leads to the service hall. Follow it all the way through to the far end to find a small room with one security bot doing a lap. The present is next to all the screens.
Message – Behind the Maze, Present – Mazercise Ticket, Key item – Security Badge, Key Item – Faz Cam
Head back to the service hall and enter either of the doors near the save point to find the security room. All 4 items are inside.
Message – Job Security
After entering Mazercise, go through the area until the hall just before the maze itself. Locate the control room in the center to find the message inside.
Maze Solution:
Lever up, top 4, top 2, top 3, top 3, top 3.
Lever down, top 1, top 1, top 1, top 2, bottom 2.
Key Item – Monty’s Claws
Pick them up from Monty’s body after you defeat him.
Fazerblast + Bonnie Bowl
As soon as you enter Fazerblast hook left and enter the left security door. The present will be behind the next door you see.
Message – Hide the Mix, Key Item – Security Badge, Key Item – Bowling Badge
Enter the door across the previous room to find these 3 items.
Present – Space Chica Keychain
Directly across the lobby is the bathrooms. Enter the left bathroom to find the present.
Present – Freddy Balloon
Head back to the main entrance and into the center doorway where a bot will tell you the Fazerblast rules. The present is between the 2 rows of chairs.
Key Item – Fazerblaster
Continue forward to find your Fazerblaster!
Message – No Questions Asked
After collecting the official blaster, look for the vent in the same room. After crawling through, head to the far end of the balcony for the message.
Present – Bonnie Plush
After entering Bonnie Bowl proper, head down to the bowling lanes and check near a rack of bowling balls on the right side.
Message – PQ1 Maint Log
This can be found to the very far right corner where the bowling lanes are.
Key Item – Monty Mystery Mix, Message – Safety Check
Head left to the food stand and enter the door behind it. Once in the back hall, go left to find these items.
Present – Golden Monty
Go down the stairs at the opposite end of the hall.
Roxy Raceway, Glamrock Salon, & Fazcade
After jumping over the boxes to meet Freddy at the Raceway construction site, navigate through until you reach a long corridor filled with security bots. Enter the first door on your right to find the present on a table.
Present – Glam Chica Figure
Continue down the hall and enter the last room on the right (before the red double security door) to find this in the corner opposite the dumpster.
Message – Sinkhole
After using Freddy to open the gate to Roxy Raceway, you should see this message in plain sight. It’s directly in front of the trophy stand.
Message – Chasing Cars
After entering the Raceway proper. head down the right staircase and enter the information booth. The message is right as you enter.
Message – Test Drivers Wanted
Enter the hard hat zone ahead of the information booth and Freddy will tell you you’re not tall enough to ride the kart. Right next to this is the note and a save station.
Present – Fizzy Faz (Roxy)
Right behind the note is a staircase you can climb. The present is at the top.
Key Item – Dance Pass
Head back to the staircase we descended at the start, but go to the row of rolling shutters this time. Enter the 2nd one to find the present on the table inside.
Message – PQ2 Maint Log, Present – Freddy Upgrade
Head to the very last shutter and go inside. To the right is a red door. The note is in the middle of the next room, and the present is to the top left.
Message – Sore Winner
Head out of the sutter and continue left. Go straight until you reach a blocked off escalator with the note right next to it.
Key Item – Damaged Head
Go behind the crates where the last message was to get jumpscared. The head will fall off.
Message – Old Elevator
Head left of the escalator into the red security door. The message is visible as you enter.
Message – Ultimate Party Host
After arriving in the Fazcade, go left and climb all the way to the top floor. Proceed past all the kaaoke rooms to the far end where you can spot a red door on your left. As soon as you enter you’ll spot the security office door. The message is inside.
Key Item – Repaired Head, Key Item – Security Badge
After completing the DJ Musicman boss fight, return to the security office. Insert the broken head into the machine to repair it, and grab the badge off the table near where we found the message in here.
Key Item – Roxy’s Eyes
Pick these up off of Roxy after her “boss fight”.
Present – Monty Balloon, Message – Power Drain
After officially escaping Roxy climb up the dark maintenance stairs until you emerge back out into the Raceway. Directly across the room is another red door that leads to a small office. Both items are inside.
Message – Retheme
A little further is a lone security bot patrolling just before the construction zone. Look to the right to spot the message.
Present – Roxy Pinata
After entering the Beauty Salon, look left to see a green and purple lit staircase. The present is at the top.
Present – Roxy Magnet
Enter the salon itself and go to the back right corner.
Message – Red Flag
Enter the back room with the Princess Quest machine. You’ll find it to the right.
Present – Shoes
Enter the bathrooms to the right of the previous message to find the Shoes!
Thanks to Stef for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.
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