28 Surprisingly Delicious Great Depression Recipes You Should Try - Page 2 of 2 (2025)

16. The Great War Recipes

28 Surprisingly Delicious Great Depression Recipes You Should Try - Page 2 of 2 (1)

This site is a very interesting read and definitely useful. It goes farther back than the Great Depression but gives great recipes along the way.

Basically, she walks you through the years 1914-1918 and what recipes people used during this time. They range from pea soup to Saturday pie. You’ll want to read this.

Try this Depression Era recipe

17. Bread and Butter Pickles

28 Surprisingly Delicious Great Depression Recipes You Should Try - Page 2 of 2 (2)

Do you realize that some of the items that we commonly eat today were actually birthed during the Great Depression Era?

One of those items is bread and butter pickles. I make these almost every year because they were my mother-in-law’s favorite. They are crispy, sweet, and very delicious on sandwiches or even as a snack by themselves.

Try this Depression Era recipe

18. Great Depression ‘Pecan’ Pie

28 Surprisingly Delicious Great Depression Recipes You Should Try - Page 2 of 2 (3)

The first thing you’ll notice about this pie is that the name has pecan in it, but there are no pecans. During this time, most people couldn’t afford the pecans that went in this pie.

So they improvised and made the pie omitting the nuts. The ingredients are basic, and the pie looks delicious.

Try this Depression Era recipe

19. Tomato Cakes

28 Surprisingly Delicious Great Depression Recipes You Should Try - Page 2 of 2 (4)

I love this recipe because it doesn’t call for fresh tomatoes. If you can whole tomatoes each year, then you’ll be glad to have a new way to use them.

So you just drain the whole tomatoes, bread them in cracker crumbs, and fry them into nice little cakes. It is inexpensive and looks very delicious.

Try this Depression Era recipe

20. Vintage Carrot Cookies

28 Surprisingly Delicious Great Depression Recipes You Should Try - Page 2 of 2 (5)

This recipe has a few more ingredients than most Depression Era recipes do. It contains items like butter, honey, eggs, raisins, nuts, and rolled oats.

But if you love carrot cake, then you’ll definitely want to try this recipe because you can now have it in cookie form.

Try this Depression Era recipe

21. Corned Beef Fritters

28 Surprisingly Delicious Great Depression Recipes You Should Try - Page 2 of 2 (6)

Corned beef was a staple in a lot of homes during the Great Depression. Because of this, they had to be resourceful and find unique ways to utilize it.

So one of those ways is by creating corned beef fritters. It is basically corned beef held together in a cake form and then fried.

Try this Depression Era recipe

22. Egg Drop Soup

This is another recipe shared by the beloved Ms. Clara who was growing up during the Depression. Did you know that one of your favorite Chinese take-out dishes was actually a huge hit during the Depression?

But obviously, any kind of soup that can be made that is meatless was worth everyone’s time during such a difficult period for most families.

Try this Depression Era recipe

23. Grandma’s Great Depression Cake

28 Surprisingly Delicious Great Depression Recipes You Should Try - Page 2 of 2 (7)

This cake is one that is very versatile. It is a spice cake that has a bold flavor but requires only a few basic ingredients.

Not to mention, it is a cake that can be used as a dessert, a mid-day snack, or even as a sweeter option for breakfast.

Try this Depression Era recipe

24. Hot Water Cornbread

28 Surprisingly Delicious Great Depression Recipes You Should Try - Page 2 of 2 (8)


This is probably the most basic cornbread recipe that you can imagine. You just add cornmeal and salt to a bowl.

Then pour boiling hot water on top of the mixture. Mix it all together and then fry it up into deliciously fried cornbread.

Try this Depression Era recipe

25. Vintage Homemade Noodles

28 Surprisingly Delicious Great Depression Recipes You Should Try - Page 2 of 2 (9)

This recipe is super simple to make for noodles. It requires only some egg yolks, egg whites, and flour to make them.

But the tutorial is also very thorough to walk you through the process. So even if you’ve never made noodles before, you can probably figure out from this post.

Try this Depression Era recipe

26. Depression Era Homemade Bread

28 Surprisingly Delicious Great Depression Recipes You Should Try - Page 2 of 2 (10)

If you have been looking for a frugal and really easy bread recipe, then you may have just strolled across it here.

All this bread requires is some flour, water, salt, and yeast. Then it comes together to make enough for two loaves of bread. That is incredible!

Try this Depression Era recipe

27. Crazy Carrot Cake

28 Surprisingly Delicious Great Depression Recipes You Should Try - Page 2 of 2 (11)

This carrot cake looks crazy delicious, but it is also very simple. There is no eggs, milk, or butter used in the recipe.

So you just take the few basic ingredients and dump them in a bowl and mix. When everything is mixed up, you place in a greased pan and bake until done. I love how simple most of these recipes are.

Try this Depression Era recipe

28. Depression Era Chocolate Cake

28 Surprisingly Delicious Great Depression Recipes You Should Try - Page 2 of 2 (12)

This is another cake that will blow your mind. It has no egg, milk, or butter in it yet it forms this delicious chocolate dessert.

So the next time you have a super sweet tooth craving, then you need to try this cake and see what you think.

Try this Depression Era recipe
So there you have it, folks. You now have almost 30 different recipes that were developed during the Great Depression.

Hopefully, this will inspire you to cook frugally with what you have and also help you to feed your family on a limited food budget.

But I’d love to hear what you think. Which recipes are your favorite from this era?

Drop us a line in the comment section below.

28 Surprisingly Delicious Great Depression Recipes You Should Try - Page 2 of 2 (13)

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28 Surprisingly Delicious Great Depression Recipes You Should Try - Page 2 of 2 (2025)


What type of food did they eat during the Great Depression? ›

Celery soup mixed with tuna fish and mashed potatoes. A salad of corned beef, gelatin and canned peas. Baked onion stuffed with peanut butter. Those are just some of the recipes Americans turned to during the Great Depression, when many families struggled to eat enough nutritious food.

What did the poor eat during the Depression? ›

Many cheap foods still common among the poor today made their debut during the Depression: Wonder Bread (1930), Bisquick (1931), Miracle Whip (1933), and Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup (1934). Ragu spaghetti sauce, Kraft mac-n-cheese, and Hormel Spam all appeared during the Roosevelt Recession in 1937.

What were new foods still eaten today that came out during the Great Depression? ›

Home cooks are turning to Depression-era foods made with affordable and shelf-stable ingredients to feed the whole family.
  • Stovetop baked beans. ...
  • Depression-era wacky chocolate cake without butter or eggs. ...
  • Graham Cracker Pie Crust became a staple thanks to Nabisco propaganda. ...
  • Peanut butter bread without yeast.
Oct 16, 2023

What did hobos eat during the Great Depression? ›

Perhaps one hobo acquired a few carrots from a charitable person, while another stole an onion off a box car, while another had a few potatoes from a farm he worked on briefly… From this concoction, a “hobo stew,” also known as “Mulligan/Mulligatawney stew” was born and became the traditional food of the hobo.

How did people cook during the Great Depression? ›

During the Great Depression of the 1930s, homemakers stretched their food budgets with soups, rice and pasta–but beans were the commodity no household went without: cheap, high protein, and no refrigeration required until cooked.

What is the poor mans meal? ›

Potatoes were also inexpensive and used extensively. Some meals even used both. One of these meals was called the Poor Man's Meal. It combined potatoes, onions, and hot dogs into one hearty, inexpensive dish, which was perfect for the hard times people had fallen on.

What food was popular in the 1930s? ›

They included: Kool-Aid powder drink, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, Bisquick, Spam (precooked canned pork), Twinkies, Ritz Crackers, Lay's Potato Chips, cereals of Cheerios and Chex and Three Musketeers Bar. Maybe the most favorite item coming from the 1930s was the new Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies developed in 1938.

What did poor people used to eat? ›

Poor families ate more carbohydrates, such as bread, potatoes and porridge oats, as these were cheaper and more filling. Bread with lard or dripping spread across it was a staple meal. Seasonal vegetables were also a large part of their diets. These include onions, turnips, cabbages, apples and parsnips.

What did poor people eat in history? ›

Barley, oats, and rye were eaten by the poor while wheat was generally more expensive. These were consumed as bread, porridge, gruel, and pasta by people of all classes. Cheese, fruits, and vegetables were important supplements for the lower orders while meat was more expensive and generally more prestigious.

What is a soup kitchen Great Depression? ›

During the Great Depression preceding the passage of the Social Security Act, "soup kitchens" provided the only meals some unemployed Americans had. This particular soup kitchen was sponsored by the Chicago gangster Al Capone.

Is meatloaf depression food? ›

Meatloaf became a staple during The Great Depression

Meatloaf allowed families to stretch the small portions of food they had, especially protein, into a meal that would otherwise be consumed quicker.

What did farmers eat during the Great Depression? ›

Almost all farm families raised large gardens with vegetables and canned fruit from their orchards. They had milk and cream from their dairy cattle. Chickens supplied meat and eggs. They bought flour and sugar in 50-pound sacks and baked their own bread.

What food did hobos eat? ›

Hobo meals usual consist of meat and lots of veggies. Then they are wrapped up and cooked in the coals. The steam that gets locked in the foil cooks the food, and it stay moist and flavorful. This is my new twist on the traditional Hobo Meal – Sweet and Sour Meatball Hobo Meals.

Where did homeless people get food during the Great Depression? ›

During the Great Depression, soup kitchens were established to serve meals to those who could not afford them.

What president fixed the Great Depression? ›

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal.

Did people eat out during the Great Depression? ›

By the time of the Great Depression, people of all classes were routinely eating outside the home. Like other retail businesses, restaurants reduced their prices at the depth of the crisis.

What was hunger like during the Great Depression? ›

As unemployed workers and their families struggled to get by on scanty savings, dwindling credit, or emergency relief rations, they cut meat, milk, and fresh vegetables from their diets; the food they could not afford piled' up in warehouses or rotted, unharvested, in the fields.

What was a typical meal in the 1930s? ›

Dumplings were a filling addition to complement the soup. For some families, soup was the evening meal every night. Beans—navy, pinto, white, black-eyed—were a good substitute for meat during the Depression and were even an actual lifesaver in the 1930s.

What was popular food in the 1930's? ›

Maybe the most favorite item coming from the 1930s was the new Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies developed in 1938. Photos: Bologna Casserole; Vinegar Pie; Fried Egg Sandwich, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, and Lay's Potato Chips.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.